New Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies screenshots, details
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 0 comments
Capcom updated the Japanese Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies website today with new screenshots and details. We get a first look at Miles Edgeworth and Trucy in the game, as well as more information about how the story unfolds.
You can find the latest on Dual Destinies below.
– Edgeworth is slightly older and wears glasses
– Apollo had been called in to work by the Wright Anything Agency
– Trucy is waiting for him
– The two meet up and reacquaint by talking about Apollo’s thoughts on his long absence from the legal world
– Both then visit a place called Kyubi Village, where a case is waiting to unfold
– Kyubi village is a festive place
– Youkai (Japanese folklore monsters) are immensely popular
– “Youkai Alley” is a part of the village that is livelier than any other area
– The two are looking to go to a mansion in Kyubi village
– Huge village party will be held there
– Trucy’s friend, Yumemi Tenma, invited her
– Yumemi works as a maid at the mansion
– Upon seeing Apollo for the first time, the strange girl mistakes him for a demon
– Once they meet up for the party, their conversation is interrupted by someone in a black youkai suit
– Not long until a hero-like character, who goes by the name of “Great Kyubi,” comes to the rescue, in a strange turn of events
– Murder incident is discovered in the mansion
– Authorities find the body of the village chief and the mayor of Tenma City
– The mayor is Yumemi’s father and is found incapacitated at the scene of the crime
– It’s said that Tenma had a motive to kill the village chief, as he’s been recently trying to merge the village into his city
– He’s considered the prime suspect and promptly arrested
– Yumemi claims to have seen the murderer herself—the legendary “Tenmataro”
– Kyubi legend has it that a long time ago, a youkai named Tenmataro terrorized the village
– After the Kyubi appeared and defeated the yokai, it was sealed away
– This would explain why the religious Kyubi villagers seem to harbour a deep fear of this youkai
– Apollo is around to help solve the case
– Many people will testify in court
– They all seem either strange or suspicious in their own ways, making the case harder on Apollo
Miles Edgeworth
– Miles Edgeworth is back
– Top prosecutor and aims to climb even higher
– Phoenix’s rival
– Shares a different perspective
– Both men pursue the truth in court
– It has yet to be revealed as to what he’s up to in Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Trucy Wright
– Trucy returning as well
– Young and energetic magician girl who was adopted by Phoenix eight years ago
– Actively participates at the Wright Anything Agency as an entertainer and also as an investigative partner
– Magic Panties prop lets her pull anything out of nothing as a magic trick
Ban Kouzou
– Over-enthusiastic detective who investigates for cases
– “Justice!” is his motto
– Claims to be a peacekeeper of the people
– Can be a little too hot headed when it comes to justice, and can never leave a troubled person behind
– Lends his powers to the lawyers for the sake of a fair trial
Level-5 kicking off Japanese sale on 3DS eShop games later this month
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
A massive Level-5 sale will begin on the Japanese 3DS eShop later this month. All games – practically every Level-5 item on the store – will be discounted by 50% between May 29 and June 11. Releases from the Guild series and Professor Layton series, Fantasy Life, and others are included in the sale.
Japanese eShop update (5/15/13)
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:
Downloadable Titles
3D Sonic the Hedgehog – 600 yen
Cooking Mama 4 (retail title) – 4,500 yen
Saitama DEMO – FREE
Tomodachi Collection Update (Version 1.1) – FREE
Virtual Console
Moero!! Pro Yaky? (Bases Loaded, Famicom) – 500 yen
Wii U
Downloadable Titles
Biohazard: Revelations – Unveiled Edition DEMO – FREE
Virtual Console
Pacman (Famicom) – 500 yen
Mappy (Famicom) – 500 yen
Super Metroid (Super Famicom) – 30 yen (until 6/13)
Video Content
Virtual Console videos – Super Metroid, Mappy, Pac-Man, Bases Loaded
Resident Evil: Revelations videos
The Starship Damrey trailer
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Update on European Devil Survivor Overclocked patch, stock
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
In a new blog post today, Ghostlight gave an update on the European Devil Survivor Overclocked patch.
The patch has now passed through Nintendo Lotcheck and has been handed off to the Japanese team. Ghostlight says it’s “Not long to go now” for the update’s release.
“On the subject of 3DS news, I’m happy to report that the patch for Devil Survivor Overclocked has passed through Nintendo Lotcheck in Europe and is now with their team in Japan. That means we are yet another step closer towards getting the patch out to all you brilliantly patient fans. Not long to go now!”
Ghostlight also said the following regarding Devil Survivor Overclocked stock:
Speaking of Devil Survivor Overclocked, we’ve currently sold out of the second manufacturing run of the game, but don’t despair as we’ve got more stock due in on the 27th May. If you would like to order the game to ensure your copy is sent out as soon as the new stock arrives you can order either the Standard Edition or the Poster Edition from the Ghostlight Store, here. (Please note that this manufacturing run will still require the patch on release.)
Video: “Inside the Treehouse with Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Localizing Animal Crossing” – part 1
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Best Buy: Kingdom Hearts 3D for $10 – today only
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
If you haven’t already purchased Kingdom Hearts 3D and have interest in the title, now would be the title to pick the game up. Best Buy has it on sale for just $9.99 – the lowest price we’ve seen at retail for the title. The deal only lasts through the end of the day, so take advantage while you can.
Nintendo officially confirms Nintendo Direct “around E3 time”
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 0 comments
Nintendo won’t be holding a major press conference at E3 2013 this year. The company will be holding two smaller events for media and investors/analysts, but neither will likely be live-streamed.
For fans, Nintendo is replacing its conference with a Nintendo Direct. This was pretty much a known fact, but the news was made official today. A new Nintendo Direct will be held “around E3 time” next month to highlight Wii U games “coming this autumn and beyond”. Let’s hope the 3DS gets some love as well!
For #WiiU titles coming this autumn and beyond, there will be a #NintendoDirectEU around E3 time in June
— Nintendo UK (@NintendoUK) May 16, 2013
New Nintendo Direct tomorrow, focusing on Wii U spring/summer titles
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Update 2: Nintendo confirms Nintendo Direct for Japan as well. The page mentions Wii U titles for the summer.
Update: Nintendo of America will host a Nintendo Direct tomorrow as well. In addition to Wii U, the 3DS will be featured. Nintendo’s Facebook message states:
“We’re having a Nintendo Direct tomorrow to provide updates on upcoming summer Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games. …We’ll discuss future Wii U titles for fall and onward in a Nintendo Direct before the start of E3 2013.”
It’s that time again – a new Nintendo Direct is coming.
Nintendo UK just tweeted that a Wii U-focused presentation will be steamed tomorrow to highlight spring and summer titles for the console.
A new #NintendoDirectEU with a focus on #WiiU spring/summer titles will be streamed tomorrow, 17/5 at 3pm BST
— Nintendo UK (@NintendoUK) May 16, 2013