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We found out about the European Club Nintendo RPG Commemorative Coin Collection a few months back. It’s now reaching the hands of eligible members.

Nintendo has shared release dates and prices for three upcoming 3DS eShop games. Details on each can be found at the links below.

October 4

Samurai G – $1.99

October 11

Crazy Kangaroo (3DS Download) – $3.99
Nurikabe by Nikoli (3DS Download) – $4.99

Well goodness, Platinum Games sure has opinions! This one is about Capcom specifically, and it comes from everyone’s favorite guy who has opinions, Hideki Kamiya…

“I heard there were a huge amount of people working on [Capcom’s] Devil May Cry 4, just an enormous amount of people. Didn’t help them, did it? The point is Capcom has the resources to employ 600 people, so good luck to them.”

A little passive aggressive, eh? Though, he may have a point given the potentially-terrible Resident Evil 6 that’s on its way out later this year. Around 600 people worked on the game according to CVG, and if the demo/early impressions are any indication, it’s not going to be too great.


Here’s your first (spotted) Wii U ad in Japan:

Even though Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate isn’t a brand new game, it’s pretty neat seeing a MH title at the launch of a Nintendo console (well, in Japan)!


Dig Dug will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on October 3 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


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