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Square Enix opened up a new teaser site today. Although we can’t officially say that the company will be announcing something called “Star Galaxy”, it appears that this mysterious game is set to be revealed in less than five days.

Siliconera came across a trademark for Star Galaxy, which Square Enix filed in Japan.

You can view the teaser site here. It does have a space-feel to it… and it does feature the word “Star”!


A total of ten characters will be playable in BlayzeBloo: Clone Phantasm. They are as follows:

Ragna the Bloodedge
Jin Kisaragi
Noel Vermillion
Rachel Alucard
Bang Shishigami
Makoto Nanaya
Platinum the Trinity

Details shared by Arc System Works reveal that BlayzeBloo: Clone Phantasm will offer a story mode along with a challenge mode. By completing both, you’ll unlock illustrations in gallery mode.


The following Rock Band Music Store songs will be made available on December 11:

Toadies – “Possum Kingdom” – Pro Guitar and Pro Bass expansions available for $0.99, keyboard support
Toadies – “Away”
Toadies – “Tyler”

Each song can be purchased for $2.00 on Wii.

Source: Harmonix PR

In the iOS version of Mutant Mudds, the game supports a checkpoint system. Its implementation allows players to return to specific areas of a level should they die. Various checkpoints are sprinkled throughout the levels in the form of large signs.

Fortunately, Renegade Kid co-founder has confirmed that checkpoints will be added to Mutant Mudds Deluxe. But if players wish, the feature can be turned off.


A user on neogaf appears to have figured out why people were having purchasing issues with Assassin’s Creed III and ZombiU on the Wii U eShop the other day: Nintendo of Europe may be (and probably is– it’s just marked as a rumor as a formality) restricting the times you’re allowed to download or view games that are meant for older audiences, in this case the two aforementioned games.

The user in question is from Italy, and the story we published a few days ago applied to the greater European area, so it’s pretty safe to say that this is just Nintendo being overly-protective in certain respects!

Via NeoGaf

Wii U Deluxe Set owners can now officially participate in the Nintendo Deluxe Digital Promotion.

All games purchased from the eShop starting on November 18 are eligible for the program. For each title you buy, you’ll receive 10% back on the purchase. Earning 500 points will allow you to earn a $5 credit, usuable on either the Wii U eShop or 3DS eShop.

Visit the official site for more information and to redeem credits.


Wreck-It Ralph will certainly get a sequel at some point. In addition to being a commercial success, the movie has been regarded as one of the better films of 2012.

Many classic video game characters saw cameos in Wreck-It Ralph, but one character was missing: Mario. His name was mentioned, but he never appeared at any point. Director Rich Moore said that Mario wasn’t included since the team couldn’t find a way to appropriately include him.

Moore does want to add Mario to a Wreck-It Ralph sequel. He feels that having him in the movie “would be great.”

“We’ll really come up with something good for Mario to do [in the next film]. To be able to present him in the sequel would be great.”


Ubisoft has set a new date for the Rayman Legends Wii U eShop demo. The download should be available on the European store (and presumably the North American shop as well) on December 13.

We also have a very, very minor update about the final game’s European date. Earlier today, Ubisoft confirmed Rayman Legends’ release for March 1.

Source: Ubisoft PR

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