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Scribblenauts Unlimited (3DS) – E10+
Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion (3DS) – E
NBA 2K13 (Wii) – E
The Trash Pack (3DS/DS) – E
Wipeout 3 (Wii U) – E10+
Toki Tori (3DS) – E
Just Dance 4 (Wii/Wii U) – E10+
Transformers Prime: The Game (Wii U) – E10+

Assuming the ESRB is accurate, Wipeout 3 is on its way to Wii U. Toki Tori has also been rated for the 3DS – I assume we’ll be seeing it on the eShop soon!


If I’m not mistaken, Outdoors Unleashed: Africa 3D was originally released at retail. It’s now coming to the eShop this Thursday for $3.99.

Update: Bumped to the front page with additional (and higher-quality) images (via).

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers comes out in Japan later this week. Included with all copies of the game is a first trailer for Shin Megami Tensei IV.

It seems that a few folks have already managed to get their hands on the game and have snapped a few shots of the debut video. You can find some off-screen shots in the gallery above.


In November, SEGA will re-release Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure in Japan with a lower price. It will carry the “SEGA the Best” label and will feature a new (and uglier?!) boxart.

The new version will be available on November 22 for 2,940 yen.

The main new ones here at the Onitore, Kirby, and Japanese McDonalds 3DS puzzles. You can also take a look at some of the other ones in the video above.


3DS Virtual Console

Kirby’s Star Stacker – £2.70


iSpot Japan – £1.80 / 200 points


Successfully Learning English: Year 4 – 800 points

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy DLC – £0.90 each

The Sanctuary of ZI’Tah (FF11 – FMS)
Otherworld (FF10 – BMS)
Force Your Way (FF08 – BMS)
The Decisive Battle (FF05 – BMS)

Nintendo Video

Nintendo Video Sports Highlights

Yup… only three games this week. Sorry, Europe!

Source: Nintendo PR

The latest video additions to the 3DS eShop are as follows:

Nintendo Show 3D: August 23, 2012
Abyss Video
VectorRacing Video

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