IGN teases impending Nintendo news, which is almost certainly Wii U-related
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
Update: And now George has quickly clarified that he “didn’t say news. And I didn’t say a game is being announced.” But if something is happening on Thursday… I don’t see how it can’t be news.
IGN editor Rich George teased some exciting news for the Wii U just a short while ago. In a couple of tweets, George wrote that he believes the “Wii U finally has its ‘must have’ game. It ought to be the game that sells systems, but we’ll see.”
It appears that we’ll be getting some sort of news on Thursday. George didn’t explicitly say that we’ll be hearing anything about Wii U in a couple of days, but I can’t imagine it being about anything else.
Below are George’s tweets in full:
“I know it’s a little quiet on the Nintendo front but… it’s not. There’s a lot coming up. Starting Thursday… Also – I think Wii U finally has its ‘must have’ game. It ought to be the game that sells systems, but we’ll see. More soon.”
More Darksiders II DLC teased, Joe Madureira leaves Vigil
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
Joe Madureira is leaving Vigil Games. The comic book writer has been with the studio for seven years, working on the two Darksiders titles. He’s now moving on to greener pastures.
Madureira wrote on Twitter recently:
“So long @Vigilgames @THQ. Thanks for all the memories! @Darksiders was definitely a career highlight. Keep on kicking ass I’m a fan for life!”
He also left a message on his Facebook page:
“Farewell and best wishes to all my brothers and sisters at Vigil Games! After seven long years and two hit games (Darksiders BABY!) I’m afraid the time has come for me to move on to new adventures. I could not be more proud of what we achieved, or the awesome people who helped build up this studio. I can safely say Vigil’s future is in very good hands, so expect only awesomeness down the road. This feels surreal… I miss the place already.”
Madureira is planning on returning to the comic book world. Fans will learn about “the next big thing” sometime within the next few months.

In the meantime, THQ teased Darksiders II DLC over the weekend. The image above was released, and the following message was posted on Twitter:
“A new adventure awaits Death!”
A half hour of Skylanders Giants footage
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Wreck-It Ralph: The Video Game cy-bug concept art
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Activision still hasn’t released any screenshots from the Wreck-It Ralph video game, but we’re getting closer! Today we have a look at the cy-bugs enemies in concept art form.
The Base Cy-bug, Flying Minion Cy-bug, and Juvenile Cy-bug are fairly common enemies. The Lamp Cy-bug won’t appear as often, but it is capable of performing a charged attack that can hit Ralph or Felix from a distance. To best defeat the enemy, players will need to use Felix’s hammer throw.
Included in the gallery above is also a concept image of the Queen Boss. She has long, powerful arms, so players will need to think things out and work as a team to defeat the Queen.
Little Inferno details
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Details concerning Little Inferno, an upcoming Wii U eShop title, have been posted online. There is finally some information available pertaining to gameplay, along with news about how the full experience plays out.
The details are as follows:
– No explicit goal
– Unclear what you’re playing as
– You sit facing your brand new Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace
– The first and only instruction you receive is to start a fire
– After burning the instruction card, you’re essentially alone again
– A letter will appear every so often
– Sugar Plumps is a mysterious neighbor girl
– Weather Man reports with increasing urgency the dire, worsening conditions of the frosty world outside your home
– Burn the letters to make coins appear
– Can purchase items from catalogues
– Items
You burn these letters, and coins appear. With these coins you can purchase items from catalogues, varying items with often surprising abilities, and you burn those too.
– Burning certain items together will fulfill “combinations”
– This is hinted at in-game but isn’t told outright to the player
– Can burn dry ice and a cup of coffee at the same time to make the “Iced Coffee” combination
– Burn a Henry Hatsworth lookalike and some tetrominoes to make the Puzzling Adventure
– Find enough of these combinations and new catalogues become available
– The new items you receive from the catalogues can make new combinations
– Environmental caution is embedded in the game’s concept
– Even though you control a character, you can’t pull your eyes away from the fireplace
– About destruction and isolation
Assassin’s Creed III “exactly the same” on Wii U
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Assassin’s Creed III creative director Alex Hutchinson says that Assassin’s Creed III will be “exactly the same game” on Wii U. Those who purchase the game on the brand new console won’t be experiencing a lesser product in any way.
“I’m super excited whenever we demo the Wii U. It is exactly the same game that’s on the other platforms. And I know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s been a long time since I’ve shipped a game on more than three platforms where you could say it’s all the same. It’s not like some radically diminished version, so that’s exciting.”
Hutchinson has been excited to be working with new hardware:
“It’s always a challenge with new hardware, but it’s also exciting. I love the smell of new plastic, that day you get home with your new piece of kit. And it’s been a long time since we’ve had a new piece of kit.”
New Fantasy Life screenshots
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Details on Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed’s “World Tour” mode
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Much like its predecessor, Sumo Digital is cramming in a bunch of modes for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. One of the game’s new modes is called “World Tour”.
Details about the mode, courtesy of French gaming site Jeuxvideo, are posted below.
– Set up like a board game
– Each square represents a race challenge
– Earn a bronze, silver, or gold medal in each
– Bronze: pass to the next square
– Need a silver/gold medal to access squares that hold challenges that unlock characters and boss fihgts
– Difficulty varies based on the objective of the challenge
Ronimo unveils its shelved Wii project
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Romino Games, the studio behind Swords & Soldiers on WiiWare, has unveiled a cancelled Wii project that was intended for retail.
Back in 2007, Romino was working on Snowball Earth for the console. The game was developed for more than a year, though it was unfortunately cancelled due to a lack of publish interest.
A synopsis provided by Romino reads:
“Snowball Earth is about a robot boy who thinks he accidentally started the last ice age. His robot masters have sent him to Earth to undo his mistake and together with his robot doggies he has been given the task to melt the earth. During his quest, he discovers that he has been deceived: a large fridge manufacturing company has illegally sold fridges to the yeti’s on earth, who can’t get enough of snow and ice. Our little robot hero must battle the evil polar animals, close all the fridges, and prove his innocence!”
Game designer Fabian Akker commented:
“Although it’s a shame the game never got a chance to see the light of day, we hope people will enjoy playing the demo. Hopefully we will be able to give the game a second chance.”
Snowball Earth is now seeing new life. Interested gamers can download a playable demo for the title, available here.
Additionally, there’s even more backstory about the project here.
Source: Romino Games PR
River City Ransom 2 put on hold
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii | 0 comments
River City Ransom 2, announced for WiiWare and PC well over a year ago, is now on hold. Miracle Kidz confirmed on Twitter that this is an indefinite move, so the game will probably never see the light of day… at least as far as we can tell.
If there’s a bright spot to this, it’s that River City Ransom’s 2 developer isn’t going anywhere. Miracle Kidz plans to work on original games going forward.