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Game Informer asked a group of random people if they know what the Wii U is. Here’s how things turned out…


This month’s Nintendo Power review scores are as follows:

Pokemon Black/White 2 (DS) – 8.0
Madden NFL 13 (Wii) – 6.5
Angry Birds Trilogy (3DS) – 6.0
Code of Princess (3DS) – 7.5

This is pretty silly if you ask me! The new trailer for Assassin’s Creed III came out today, and if you watch either the UK or the US version alone, nothing seems terribly off. If you watch both? You might notice that something is missing from that US version, namely a scene that shows Connor (the main character) killing 3-4 American revolutionaries. The US version still shows one American soldier’s death, but they definitely cut it down. Here’s the UK trailer, with the cut-out parts at 2:09 and beyond:

Via Kotaku

Note that this news is for Japan, but it’s pretty decent nonetheless: Ken’s Rage 2 is coming to the Wii U on December 20th! It’s the same as the PS360 version of the game, but it does include added Gamepad functionality and/or Classic Controller Pro support.

Via Siliconera

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