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Mitchell Corporation, the developer of such titles as Polarium and Magnetica, is making a new eShop title for Nintendo. Gyoretsu Nageloop is scheduled for an August 8 release on the Japanese store. It will cost 700 yen.

Not much is known about the game at this point. Considering its launch is next week, concrete gameplay details should be coming soon.

Check out Gyoresu Nageloop’s official site for a teaser video of sorts.

Project X Zone scans

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

EA’s annual Summer Showcase is just a couple of days away. The event will be held this Thursday at 1:00 PM PT / 4:00 PM ET.

As was the case last year, fans will be able to view the proceedings live. Visit this link at the designated date/time for a stream of the showcase.

EA is promising “presentations, announcements, and live demos” for its upcoming lineup. With any luck we’ll get a look at some of its games running on Wii U.

Other than Mass Effect 3 and sports promises, EA doesn’t have too much in store for Wii U – well, as far as we know. But EA chief operating officer Peter Moore, speaking during the company’s first quarter earnings call today, said “We’re keeping a very close eye on the platform.”

Regarding the partially “lackluster response” coming out of E3, Moore stated that EA now understands to “never underestimate Nintendo, as proven by the last generation.”

Moore wasn’t ready to announce anything new for Wii U today. Having said that, he believes that EA has “great franchises poised to be on that platform. He added, “We’ll probably announce more in the future.”


This sure came out of the blue.

On its Twitter account, Nintendo of America revealed that two new DSi color variations are coming to North America. Matte Red and Matte Blue will be available at retailers as early as this week.

These colors appear to be for the original DSi only. In other words, they don’t apply to the DSi XL.


Famitsu doesn’t have a final release date for Fantasy Life, but the magazine does have a release month in this week’s issue. Level-5 will publish Brownie Brown’s new 3DS game in December.

It’s unclear if Famitsu has any additional coverage of Fantasy Life this week. More tidbits may make their way out later today or tomorrow.

This week’s Famitsu has a release date for E.X. Troopers, Capcom’s new Lost Planet spinoff.

The game is due out in Japan on November 22. It’ll cost 5,990 yen on the 3DS and 6,990 yen on the PlayStation 3.

Capcom has yet to announce a western release for E.X. Troopers.

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