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Late last year, Square Enix unveiled a new franchise involving transforming robot cars. The IP includes an anime series, manga, an arcade game, and a 3DS title. Square Enix provided the first media for the handheld game today.

The tentatively titled “Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter RPG” features the same world as the arcade release, anime, and manga. However, the story will differ so that it can be experienced as a standalone product. The title will obviously contain RPG elements, and Square Enix has confirmed wireless combat.

Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter RPG will be hitting Japan in Spring 2013.


Level-5 has updated the official site for Time Travelers. The page has brought along new details about the game’s story and gameplay systems.

We’ve summarized the information for you below. New screenshots can be found in the gallery above.

– The game’s five characters have their own unique stories
– Yuri Fukase: 18-year-old high school student; best in his school in academics and sports
– Yuri is connected to the Lost Hole incident; this is when he’d just been born
– He can’t talk about this with others
– Yuri’s scenario: “High School Student”
– Scenario kicks off with Yuri heading to the lab to meet a promise
– Yuri goes up to the roof, sees Mikoto
– Mikoto shows up in all scenarios in a slightly different form
– Mikoto asks, “Can I kiss you?”
– Yuri receives a mysterious mail saying that he should peek around the lab
– Yuri and Mikoto show up at the lab and see that it has been sealed off
– Time manipulation plays a role in Time Travelers
– Free time and rewind the story through “Time Stop”
– Time Stop can jump between the five scenarios
– Example: In “Detective Chapter”, detective Soma Kamiya gets hit by a car; Hina Fushimi (news caster) is the passenger in the car; use a Time Stop to switch to Hina’s “Caster Chapter” to make her driver avoid hitting Kamiya; Kamiya will run off to his destination rather than getting hit
– PCE and TIPS gameplay systems included
– PCE: “Playing Cinema Event”
– PCE are Quick Timer Events
– TIPS: detailed text details about the world and characters
– Some words will be highlighted in blue as you encounter game dialogue
– Tap these words to link to a TIP about the highlighted term
– Over 400 TIPS
– Some TIPS come with movie files

Source 1, Source 2

Sweet Memories Blackjack is available on the European eShop as a 3DS download. It costs £3.60.

Rayman 3DS VC trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

A trio of trailer images from an unannounced Ubisoft game may have leaked out. Unfortunately though, not much is shown in the photos.

One simply features a logo from Ubisoft while another contains the text, “Judgement is coming”. Another image does give a small bit of insight into the overall feel of the possible project/trailer, showing a man with what seems to be a bow hunched on his back.

Speculation is already running rampant as to what Ubisoft could be planning. One such guess is that the company will be unveiling a new Prince of Persia.

The source of the images seems to come from a posting on Webstagram. Assuming they’re real, Ubisoft will be showing this game and a trailer during E3 next week.


Just like last year, Nintendo will add in a number of trailers to the 3DS eShop “for select upcoming games” following its E3 2012 presentation next week. They’ll be downloadable and will probably have an option for SpotPass notifications.

You’ll be able to access the content on Tuesday, June 5.

Source: 3DS eShop

The latest episode of Nintendo Show 3D is devoted to Mario Tennis Open and the latest eShop releases.

Rabbids Rumble boxart

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Announcement 3DS title has been announced for the eShop. Digital Leisure and Engine Software will be bringing Mad Dog McCree to the eShop on June 14. The game is priced at $7.99.

You can find the official announcement with more details after the break.

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