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FIFA 13 is coming to Wii U for the first time, but EA won’t be leaving Wii and 3DS owners out in the cold. The game will still be released on both platforms this year – autumn, specifically. EA has yet to provide details on the Wii/3DS versions.


Footage of the “hidden” characters are included toward the end – be aware of that!

Sorry, European Kingdom Hearts fans. The just-announced Kingdom Hearts 3D “Mark of Mastery Edition” is for North America only. The official Twitter account for the franchise wrote earlier today, “this version is specifically for the NA release I’m afraid”.

Importing won’t do much good, unfortunately. Unlike the DS, the 3DS is region-locked, so you wouldn’t be able to play the North American version of the game on a European system.


Kirby’s Star Stacker will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Game Boy download on May 16 for 400 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot relayed high praise for Wii U during the company’s annual earnings call yesterday. Guillemot said that Ubisoft has “been extremely happy with the functionality of the console and the use”, adding it “can have a great success”.

He told listeners:

Make sure to tune into Nintendo Video this week for a very special episode of Shaun the Sheep, exclusively on Nintendo 3DS

16th May – The recent partnership between Nintendo and Aardman Animations, the company behind Wallace and Gromit and the blockbuster Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists, has been taken to the next level! In the latest 3D episode of Shaun the Sheep, available exclusively to Nintendo 3DS owners for free via SpotPass, everyone’s favourite cheeky farmyard hero performs some iconic moves that will be recognised by all video game fans.

Shaun Goes Old School is the latest episode in the series of entertaining 3D clips starring the affable farmyard favourite. The episode sees Shaun not just armed with his very own Nintendo 3DS, but also performing a charming homage to a well-known Nintendo character.

Along with new character confirmations, the latest issue of Famitsu contains a ton of new Project X Zone details.

A summary of the information can be found below.

– Support Attacks: special attacks from party members
– Use a Support Attack if another unit is in the vicinity (roughly 8 spaces) of your current unit
– Support unit can perform a followup attack which can only be used once in battle
– Cross Hit is comparable to Support Attacks
– During a Support Attack, if the main unit and support unit strike the enemy simultaneously, you’ll trigger a Cross Hit move
– Enemy freezes where the Cross Hit was executed
– More easily perform combos after this happens
– Monolith Soft confirmed as the developer
– Kouji Ishitani and Souichiro Morizumi are “Development Producer”
– Namco Bandai’s Kensuke Tsukanaka is producing
– Cross Active Battle System in the game
– Battles are grid-based
– Enter a battle scene when you attack an enemy on the grid map
– Use the d-pad and A button to execute combos
– Critical Hits: happens when you send an enemy into the air and connect your next attack before the enemy hits the ground
– Each character can access 2-3 skills
– Level up and you’ll gain additional skills (5-6)
– Individual skills may have the ability to be powered-up
– Encouraged to use as many of your skills as possible
– Receive a bonus if all skills are used
– Use multiple skills rather than using the same skill over and over
– “XP” / “Cross Point” gauge shown in Famitsu
– This gauge builds as you strike enemies
– Use the gauge for special attacks and defensive moves on the maps
– All units use the same gauge
– Using one special move will deplete the gauge fully
– Gauge can rise over 100%
– Perform a Cross Hit and it’ll go up to 150%
– Dev. team working on the game’s tempo; enemy attacks will be handled quickly so that control will return to you immediately.
– Special cut-ins for when you use your special attacks on bosses
– Battles will be fully voiced
– Pre and post battle comments

Thanks to 4Him for the tip.

Source 1, Source 2

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