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Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is in development for a number of different platforms. However, the game won’t be coming to the Wii U.

There had been a rumor about a Wii U version/Wii U tablet support back in February, but based on recent comments from Junction Point’s Warren Spector, fans shouldn’t count on any Epic Mickey 2 action on the new console.

When asked if he had given any thought to a Wii U version in the latest issue of Nintendo Power, Spector said:

“We’ve certainly thought about it. It’s a really interesting piece of hardware. Unfortunately, we were already too far into development by the time it was announced. So there’s just no way we could get it out by the time Wii U launches. I mean, who knows what’s going to happen in the future? But for right now, there are no plans. There is all sorts of fun stuff we could do with that controller, though.”

Nintendo fans can get their Epic Mickey 2 fix on the Wii. It’ll also be made available on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, and Mac. A 3DS spinoff is in the works as well.

The May 2012 GamesMaster review scores are as follows:

A-Men – 74%
Army Corps of Hell – 36%
Asphalt: Injection – 63%
Asura’s Wrath – 68%
Beat Sneak Bandit – 91%
Binary Domain – 70%
Birds of Steel – 82%
Devil May Cry HD Collection – 77%
Dillon’s Rolling Western – 42%
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance – 57%
Dynasty Warriors Next – 69%
Escape Plan (PSV) – 66%
FIFA Street – 83%
Frobisher Says! – 80%
Hustle Kings – 75%
I Am Alive – 83%
Inazuma Eleven 2: Blizzard/Firestorm – 72%
Jak and Daxter Collection HD – 79%
Kid Icarus: Uprising – 92%
Lumines Electronic Symphony – 84%
Mass Effect 3 – 91%
Mass Effect: Infiltrator – 68%
Michael Jackson The Experience HD Vita – 68%
Motorstorm RC – 86%
Microsoft Flight – 70%
Ninja Gaiden III – 78%
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus – 81%
Pandora’s Tower – 81%
PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond – 59%
Rayman Origins Vita – 89%
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City – 44%
Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure – 70%
Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle – 71%
Shoot Many Robots – 62%
Silent Hill Downpour – 82%
Street Fighter X Tekken – 82%
Super Stardust Delta – 83%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 – 85%
Top Darts – 81%
Touch My Katamari – 70%
Twisted Metal – 82%
Vessel – 83%
WWE WrestleFest – 48%

It seems as though GamesMaster enjoyed Pandora’s Tower a bit more than EDGE.

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

3DS eShop charts (4/9/12)

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments


1. Colors! 3D
2. Super Mario Bros.
3. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
4. Metal Torrent
5. Sonic The Hedgehog: Triple Trouble
6. Pushmo
7. Cut The Rope
8. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
9. Dillon’s Rolling Western
10. GO Series Undead Storm
11. 3D Classics: Kirby’s Adventure
12. Plants vs. Zombies
13. Photo Dojo
14. Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
15. Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive!
16. Fun! Fun! Minigolf Touch!
17. Super Mario Land
18. GO Series 10 Second Run
19. Arc Style: Soccer 3D
20. Bloons TD


1. Nintendo Show 3D: April 5, 2012
2. Colors! 3D Video
3. Nintendo Show 3D: March 22, 2012
4. Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir Video
5. Sonic The Hedgehog: Triple Trouble Video
6. Super Mario Bros. Video
7. Arc Style: Soccer 3D Video
8. Kid Icarus: Uprising Viridi, Goddess of Nature
9. Zombie Slayer Diox Video
10. Kid Icarus: Uprising Medusa Video
11. Kid Icarus: Uprising Palutena’s Temple
12. Super Mario Land Video
13. Kid Icarus: Uprising Mysterious Invaders
14. Nintendo Show 3D: March 8, 2012
15. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Video
16. Kid Icarus: Uprising Launch Trailer
17. What Is Nintendo Video?
18. nintendogs + cats: Golden Retriever Video
19. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! Video
20. Mario & Sonic: London 2012 Olympic Games Video

The fourth “How to Play” video for Xenoblade Chronicles goes into depth about the game’s battle system.

Completely random, yet totally awesome.

Namco Bandai registered a new trademark for “Pac-Man Smash” in Europe. It’s unclear if the name pertains to a new game or something else entirely.

ESRB updates (4/9/12)

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Real Heroes: Firefighter 3D (3DS) – E10+
Madagascar 3: The Video Game (3DS) – E
Madagascar 3: The Video Game (DS) – E
Madagascar 3: The Video Game (Wii) – E


Pokemon Black/White 2 comes to Japan in June. That much is clear. One retailer has listed a more specific release date: June 23.

We’re supposed to be getting a big Pokemon Black/White 2 update sometime this week, so perhaps we’ll hear about an official launch date soon.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip!


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