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01. [3DS] Kid Icarus: Uprising
02. [PSP] Yakuza Black Panther 2
03. [NDS] Pokemon X Nobunaga’s Ambition
04. [PS3] Devil May Cry HD Collection
05. [PS3] Ninja Gaiden III
06. [3DS] Monster Hunter Tri G
07. [PS3] Attouteki Yuugi: Mugen Souls
08. [PSP] Shining Blade
09. [PSP] Fairy Tail: Zelef Kakusei
10. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land

Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS) – 9.5
Major League Baseball 2K12 (Wii) – 2.5
Shifting World (3DS) – 6.5
Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir (3DS) – 7.0
Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) – 9.0

Capcom, Namco Bandai, and SEGA’s mystery 3DS crossover project site was updated again today. Here’s how things look at the moment:

The new note on the site reads, “Is activation confirmed when the container goes over capacity?”

Source, Via

Wario Land II will be hitting the Japanese eShop on April 4 for 600 yen.


More images of Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion have emerged. They look to be cropped scans, but they’ll do for now. Disney Interactive Studios will share direct-feed screenshots soon enough…

Even though you can still pre-order Xenoblade Chronicles at GameStop, the retailer won’t be handing out art books as a bonus from here on out. It seems as though GameStop no longer has any product to provide. According to Nintendo Everything tipster Glenn D, an internal email “said that we as a company have now met the quantity we were given of the artbooks for the pre-orders and we can no longer use this as an incentive.”

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