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Nintendo announces the upcoming release of Pandora’s Tower, the newest epic action RPG on Wii

14 February 2012 – Pandora’s Tower™ is the latest action-packed RPG to come from Nintendo and will be available across Europe exclusively on Wii™ from 13th April 2012. With real-time combat, motion controls, multiple endings and a unique relationship system, Pandora’s Tower offers a unique experience and an epic story that will keep you engrossed for hours.

In Pandora’s Tower you take on the role of Aeron, a soldier, as he battles to save his beloved friend Elena from a mysterious curse that is gradually transforming her into a demonic creature. Only by battling through the towers of a nearby fortress can Aeron save her from her gruesome fate. Using his sword and the magical Oraclos Chain, Aeron must defeat the creatures that lurk there and harvest their meat to feed to Elena. Only by eating all of the “master flesh”, harvested from the largest monsters within each tower, will Elena be fully cured of the curse and free from its monstrous grip.

Japanese Crush3D trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Shigeru Miyamoto has opened up about his most/least favorite Mario Kart characters, what it and means to him to be working on Mario/Zelda for so long in a new PopWatch interview. Spoiler alert: he hates Toad.

Miyamoto also commented on a Skyward Sword prototype that was more challenging that the final product, how he feels about the story element in Zelda games, his enjoyment on making Pikmin 3, and more.

All of Miyamoto’s responses can be found after the break.

Update: Curiously, the listing has been removed. See this story.

Could Mario Tennis Open be the final name for the new Mario Tennis game? GameFly seems to think so.

The retailer has added a listing for the title along with a May 20 release date.

Not much is known about the next Mario Tennis project. It was announced during the Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011 late last year. At the time of its reveal, President Satoru Iwata was only willing to confirm gyroscope support and a vague 2012 time frame for launch.

These were the first screenshots of Mario Tennis 3DS released by Nintendo last year.

Source, Via

The NES version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was pulled from the Wii Shop Channel last week without any sort of notice.

Konami today revealed the decision behind the game’s removal. You won’t find Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in any region due to an expired license. A separate company most likely has rights to the TMNT brand, meaning Konami can no longer collect profits on the Virtual Console title.


Mario Party 9 trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

The Last Story trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

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