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Tales of the Abyss boxart

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

3DS game card sizes

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

You might be curious about the card sizes 3DS games use. Thus far, we’ve seen software run on cards as low as 128 megabytes or as high as 2 gigabytes. In the future, we know that some games will be crammed into 4 gigabyte cards.

A listing of various titles and their card sizes can be found after the break. Some of the results may surprise you!

Nintendo will be holding a second “Nintendo Direct” presentation to close out 2011. Some Japanese fans have spotted the company’s updated UStream page, which states that the event will be held on Tuesday. Similar to the presentation back in October, the latest Nintendo Direct is scheduled for Tuesday at 12 PM in Japan, which is Monday at 10 PM EDT / 7 PM EDT.

It’s unclear if the new presentation will be filled with announcements, though Nintendo did share some pretty substantial news in October. Lost Heroes, 3D Classics: Kid Icarus, and other titles for the handheld were revealed throughout the event.

You can keep track of Nintendo’s UStream page here.

AllThingsD has published a new interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie-Fils Aime. Fils-Aime was quizzed on Black Friday sales and how the Wii continues to break records, social gaming, his thoughts on the free-to-play model, and more.

Interestingly, he said that Nintendo will experiment with other forms of monetization, though he wouldn’t really elaborate about what the company may have in store. Reggie also slipped in some quick talk about the Wii U, in which he said that “it will speak to a different consumer than the one that is buying the Wii today during the holidays.”

Head past the break for all of Reggie’s remarks.

Nintendo UK recommends the following downloadable games this Christmas..

It’s no secret that Nintendo of America had plans to localize ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat, Mistwalker’s first DS title. It was widely reported that a listing for the title was found on the ESRB. In fact, you can still find the rating here.

Siliconera has discovered that Nintendo even hired voice actors for the project. Eric Newsome, the voice actor for Meta Knight in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Bowser in Super Paper Mario, would have voiced ASH’s Bamygarant. Khanh Doan stepped into the role of lead character Maritie.

It’s still unknown as to why Nintendo of America ultimately decided against bringing Archaic Sealed Heat to North America. The company’s localization efforts did appear to be fairly far along.


Update: Game Night is now over.

Hop into the chat for some Mario Kart 7 action (registration not required).


101-in-1 Explosive Megamix – Grumble Grumble
Anima: Ark of Sinners – Hmmm…
Horizon Riders – Hmmm…
Fish Tank – Hmmm…


Castle Conqueror – Revolution – Hmmm…
Furry Legends – Hmmm…
1001 Blockbusters – Grumble Grumble


Catrap – Recommended
Double Dragon – Hmmm…
Burger Time Deluxe – Recommended
Side Pocket – Grumble Grumble

3DS Download

Pyramids – Recommended

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