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Runabout 3D scan

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

WWE ’12 trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

Two Tribes is hoping to bring the Game Boy color title Toki Tori title to the eShop. On their official Twitter account, the company said that they are “Working on it”. This doesn’t mean that we’ll say the game for sure, but hopefully they can make it happen… and preferably sooner rather than later!


Nintendo 3DS | eShop Original Software
3D Touch Tank Battle (SilverStarJapan | ¥500) Upcoming (10/26)
Nikoli Puzzle Hitori (Hamster | ¥500) Upcoming (10/26)

Nintendo 3DS | Virtual Console
Kirby’s Block Ball (Nintendo | Game Boy | Â¥400) Upcoming (10/26)

Nintendo DSi | DSiWare
Micro-Organisms (Kawamoto Industry | 200 Points | ¥200) Upcoming (10/26)
Dodogo! Robo (Beyond Interactive | 200 Points | ¥200) Upcoming (10/26)
The Lost Town: The Dust (Circle Entertainment | 500 Points | ¥500) Upcoming (10/26)


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