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01./00. [PSP] Eiyuu Densetsu: Ao no Kiseki # (Nihon Falcom) {2011.09.29} (¥6.090) – 127.938 / NEW
02./00. [PS3] Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends # (Koei Tecmo) {2011.09.29} (¥5.040) – 82.901 / NEW
03./01. [PS3] Dark Souls (From Software) {2011.09.22} (¥7.800) – 34.718 / 314.286 (-88%)
04./00. [PSP] Evangelion Shin Gekijoban: 3nd Impact # (Bandai Namco) {2011.09.29} (¥6.280) – 16.477 / NEW
05./05. [WII] Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary: Famicom & Super Famicom Dragon Quest I-II-III (Square Enix) {2011.09.15} (¥4.440) – 16.298 / 334.472 (-70%)
06./03. [PSP] Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force 6 (Konami) {2011.09.22} (¥5.250) – 12.452 / 76.801 (-81%)
07./11. [WII] Rhythm Heaven (Nintendo) {2011.07.21} (¥5.800) – 11.468 / 481.382 (-34%)
08./12. [PSP] Monster Hunter Freedom 3 (PSP the Best)
(Capcom) {2011.09.22} (¥2.990) – 10.917 / 25.841 (-27%)
09./13. [WII] Wii Sports Resort with Remote Plus (Nintendo) {2010.11.11} (¥5.800) – 10.625 / 577.618 (-29%)
10./02. [PS3] The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection (SCE) {2011.09.22} (¥6.980) – 10.306 / 102.207 (-89%)
11./06. [3DS] Senran Kagura: Shoujotachi no Shinei (Marvelous Entertainment) {2011.09.22} (¥5.980) – 9.914 / 62.121 (-81%)
12./16. [3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
(Nintendo) {2011.06.16} (¥4.800) – 8.830 / 400.564 (-24%)
13./00. [PSP] Wand of Fortune 2: Jikuu ni Shizumu Mokushiroku # (Idea Factory) {2011.09.29} (¥6.090) – 8.800 / NEW
14./09. [PS3] Tales of Xillia # (Bandai Namco) {2011.09.08} (¥8.379) – 8.618 / 604.003 (-62%)
15./15. [NDS] Kirby Mass Attack (Nintendo) {2011.08.04} (¥3.800) – 8.219 / 240.034 (-35%)
16./07. [PSP] Busou Shinki: Battle Masters Mk. 2
(Konami) {2011.09.22} (¥5.800) – 7.714 / 40.032 (-76%)
17./00. [360] Monster Hunter Frontier Online: Forward .2 Premium Package #
(Capcom) {2011.09.28} (¥6.090) – 6.816 / NEW
18./19. [3DS] Pokemon Rumble Blast
(Pokemon Co.) {2011.08.11} (¥4.800) – 6.370 / 176.737 (-27%)
19./00. [WII] Family Fishing # (Bandai Namco) {2011.08.04} (¥5.040) – 6.218 / 50.622
20./00. [3DS] Flora and Fauna 3D Field Guide (Nintendo) {2011.09.29} (¥3.800) – 6.034 / NEW

Well, I can’t say that this looks too great. Let’s hope n-Space has something better cooked up for the 3DS. They’re working on the handheld game while Tectonic Studios is making the Wii title.


Nintendo Week 10/6
Super Mario 3D Land Reveal 2 Trailer
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword Romance Trailer
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Tutorial
Fossil Fighters: Champions Cleaning Video
Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure Wii Trailer
Ace Combat 3DS Trailer
Aliens Infestation DS Trailer
Shinobi Champion Trailer
Go Vacation Trailer
Wipeout 2 Nintendo 3DS Trailer
WWE All Stars 3DS Trailer
Simply Minesweeper Trailer
House M.D. Episode 3: Skull & Bones Trailer
Horizon Riders Trailer

Let the 3DS bundles continue! Namco Bandai will be offering a package of their own for SD Gundam G Generation 3D that includes a copy of the game, a Gundam Tri AR card featuring a Char Zack II Mobile Suit, and a 3DS console.

The Char Nintendo 3DS Premium Box will be available for 21,090 yen. The bundle and the standalone game are due out on December 22.


New Dragon Quest X scan

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments

Tales of the Abyss 3DS was originally due out on November 10 in Europe. Namco Bandai has been pushed the game back slightly, announcing a new release date of November 25. All things considered, a two week delay isn’t too bad!


Rosalina will most definitely be returning as a playable character in Mario Kart 7, as the image above shows. This marks her second appearance in a Mario Kart game. She made her debut in the last title in the series, Mario Kart Wii.


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