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Our lucky European friends will be able to download this title now. It’ll also be released in North America this coming Monday.

North America and Europe are considerably behind on the Professor Layton titles. Japan’s already moved on to the 3DS, but there are still two DS games in the series that haven’t been localized. On the bright side, it looks like there may soon be a North American announcement for Professor Layton and the Specter’s Flute.

A trademark for the title has popped up on the USA database. You may remember that the Unwound Future trademark was also discovered right around this time last year, only to be revealed at E3 2010 just a month later. It’s very possible that the situation will be the same for Specter’s Flute.


Will this be another game that isn’t localized for North America? Let’s hope not…

Kojima Productions brought along two titles to E3 2010. Those games were Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D and Metal Gear Solid: Rising. It looks like we’ll be seeing more projects from the studio again at this year’s E3.

According to the latest Kojima Report podcast, “special”/several announcements will be made by the company. We’ll have to wait until Konami’s June 2nd pre-E3 event for more details. A special podcast will be released to further discuss and comment on the reveals. Hopefully we’ll hear more about Snake Eater 3D.


Mahjong Cub3D trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

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