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3DS unboxing video

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Thanks to Alex S for the tip!

This information comes from Nintendo of America’s Twitter account…

“Thanks for your concern! During the earthquake no one at Nintendo HQ in Japan was injured and there was no apparent structural damage.”

Well, at least that’s some good news. Other developers have also confirmed that they haven’t been affected by the tragedy in Japan, including Hideo Kojima, Platinum Games staff, Suda51 and his staff, as well as Q-Games’ Dylan Cuthbert.


Right now, we are aware of a few changes with Ocarina of Time 3D: the interface, the graphics, gyro support, and inclusion of the Master Quest. But perhaps there are more additions to the game than we originally thought. Speaking in the latest Iwata Asks interview, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata teased other additions by saying that Ocarina of Time 3D “is crammed with interesting things that weren’t in the Nintendo 64 version”. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t elaborate. It looks like we’ll have to wait until the title is closer to launch before we find out about other changes.

“Well, I feel that I’ve started to understand, little by little, what makes Ocarina of Time special. Of course, the Nintendo 3DS version of Ocarina of Time is crammed with interesting things that weren’t in the Nintendo 64 version, but we’ll wait to talk about those the release.”


Thanks to RDy for the tip!

Okamiden trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments

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