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This information comes from an anonymous source speaking to CVG…

“Nintendo’s plans sound unreal. Publishers are already planning launch titles and it’s all very exciting. The hardware is even more powerful than current HD consoles and backwards compatible with Wii. The controller will be all-new and has a HD screen on it.”

Another rumor comes from, which claims that Nintendo is looking into Blu-ray as the console’s main optical drive. This is just one of many, many rumors we’ve heard about in the past few hours. Expect even more speculation as we come closer to E3.

Source 1, Source 2

Pokémon Games Sell Nearly 2.5 Million in Nintendo’s Best March in U.S. History for Portable Hardware Business

The new Nintendo 3DS™ system combined with the Nintendo DS™ family of systems to make last month the best-selling March in U.S. history for Nintendo’s portable hardware business, according to the independent NPD Group, which tracks video game sales in the United States.

After only one week on sale following its March 27 launch, Nintendo 3DS sold just shy of 400,000 units. Propelled by sales of more than 1.3 million Pokémon™ White Version games and more than 1.1 million Pokémon™ Black Version games, the Nintendo DS family of systems topped all home and portable video game systems in March, with more than 460,000 sold.

01.Pokemon White Version (NDS) Nintendo
02. Pokemon Black Version (NDS) Nintendo

03. Homefront (360, PS3, PC) THQ
04. Dragon Age II (360, PS3, PC)** Electronic Arts
05. Call of Duty: Black Ops (360, PS3, NDS, Wii, PC)** Activision Blizzard
06.Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (Wii, 360, NDS, PS3, 3DS, PSP, PC) LucasArts

07. Crysis 2 (360, PS3, PC) Electronic Arts
08. NBA 2K11 (360, PS3, PS2, Wii, PSP, PC) Take 2 Interactive
09. MLB 11: The Show (PS3, PSP, PS2) Sony
10. Fight Night Champion (360, PS3) Electronic Arts


This information comes from Sterne Agee’s Arvind Bhatia…

“We are hearing the same thing [about a new Nintendo console] from our channel checks. I think Nintendo has to upgrade this Christmas, given how weak Wii sales have been. Launching this year means they will be able to protect their market share. Sony and Microsoft will probably still wait until 2013 to launch their next consoles.”

This information comes from EEDAR’s Jesse Divnich…

“Nintendo originally announced the Wii at E3 in 2005, nearly 18 months before its official launch. It wouldn’t be out of the question for Nintendo to announce some top-line specs on its new hardware. In terms of what does this mean for Nintendo? Unfortunately, not enough information exists to warrant any type of speculation, but rest assured Nintendo will continue to dedicate themselves to creating original hardware and software.”

This information comes from DFC Intelligence’s David Cole…

“In our forecasts for the industry we have a new console system from Nintendo launching second half of 2012. However, when it will be announced is another question. E3 could be a possibility but you also have to consider Nintendo’s home turf is Japan and they may be more comfortable at a venue like TGS. Our new forecasts come out next month…if Nintendo announces a Wii 2 launch for 2011 we will have to go back to the drawing board real quick. We think the Wii is on the downward cycle of its life and sales will naturally decline every year. However, we still see Wii as the number one selling system in 2011. It will not be until 2012 that DFC forecasts Xbox 360 and PS3 sales will exceed Wii. As for Wii 2 we see it being a fairly successful system as consumers are really craving new hardware and Microsoft and Sony show no signs of delivering. We think it will be a strong seller but not nearly as strong as the Wii.”

I really can’t believe how quickly all of this has developed. Game Informer’s article really sparked a ton of rumors and reports about Nintendo’s next console.


Game Informer’s news post regarding the next Nintendo console has sparked a ton of buzz. But the article contained a number of uncertainties, such as the system’s graphical capabilities. While everything is still unconfirmed, many additional articles around the web indicate that the power of “Wii HD” (let’s just call it that for now) will indeed surpass the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360:

“Furthermore, we’ve heard that the machine will be more powerful than current-gen systems, meaning Nintendo, currently backing a Wii that is weaker in horsepower than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, will be showing a new console that is more powerful than those current competitors.” – Kotaku article

“Our sources have said the the console is significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and that Nintendo’s intent is to recapture the hardcore market.” – IGN article

IGN’s article contains other interesting nuggets. Apparently the company will distribute a press release this month – confirming the rumors – and will fully unveil the console in June. IGN also notes that the console will be backwards compatible with the Wii and will support 1080p resolutions.

Moving on, there is quite an interesting article on 01Net. The site’s source leaked NGP specs prior to the handheld’s reveal, which gives the publication some credibility. Like IGN and Kotaku, 01Net has also discussed the Wii HD’s power, noting that it is on par with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Even more interesting, however, is that the system will feature a “very original” controller – and it doesn’t sound like it will be similar to the Wii remote or Kinect. 01Net additionally believes an announcement will come at E3.

Last but not least, the E3 Twitter account has posted a very interesting message on their Twitter account. Make of it what you will…

“Could it be? Tune in June 7th and see….”

I doubt that they truly know what Nintendo has in store… but you never know!

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4

We’re still about two months away from E3, but rumor has it that Nintendo is preparing for a new home console announcement at this year’s E3. Although additional speculation is expected to arrive for the next few months, keep in mind that nothing will be confirmed (or denied) until June. This rumor has a bit more validity than your typical gossip since numerous sources have apparently confirmed information about the system. Still, take the following details with a big grain of salt for now…

– Can run games at HD resolutions
– Conflicting reports about its graphical capabilities (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 level graphics or not)
– Competitive specifications
– Nintendo already showing publishers the console to generate interest and to allow for development
– Late 2012 release
– Anonymous source: “Nintendo is doing this one right. [It’s] not a gimmick like the Wii.”
– Unclear if it will be backwards compatible with Wii software
– Unclear if it will carry the “Wii” name
– Nintendo not commenting on the speculation or their E3 plans, but said “stay tuned”


First Gather! Kirby! scan

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

After a few months full of teases, Shin’en’s first 3DS game has been revealed. Majesco Entertainment announced Nano Assault, which seems to build off of the success that Nanostray 1 and 2 experienced on the DS. You can check out a bunch of details about the game below, and expect more news soon. We’ll have more Shin’en goodness on Friday, and an interview with the company about Nano Assault in the near future.

EDISON, N.J., April 14, 2011 – Majesco Entertainment Company (NASDAQ: COOL), an innovative provider of video games for the mass market, announced today Nano Assault™ for the system is in development for an expected release this fall. Developed by Shin’en, this fast-paced shooter leaps off the screen with stunning 3D graphics that resemble electron microscope imagery. It’s within this dangerous microscopic world that players will navigate a Nanite ship through a cellular system, maneuvering through alien cell clusters, fighting off infections, and analyzing and destroying the virus’ core to ultimately save humanity.

“Nano Assault’s inspired visual style looks fantastic and is perfectly suited for 3D,” said Jesse Sutton, Chief Executive Officer, Majesco Entertainment. “The game is a fresh approach to the classic shooter, featuring a unique theme, solid depth of play and tight controls. I think this game is going to surprise a lot of people.”

MDK2 WiiWare dated

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

The WiiWare edition of MDK2 will be available next month. Interplay’s release calender has listed a May 9 date for the title. Players can expect graphical improvements in addition to new Wii remote controls.


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