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In case you were wondering, this is the same Dead or Alive 3DS game shown at E3. It just has a different name now!

It isn’t too often that Nintendo decides to release an firmware upgrade for the DSi. In fact, the last time the company did so was back in April – until today, that is. DSi Menu version 1.4.1U is now available. According to Nintendo’s official website, “This update provides behind-the-scenes improvements to system performance.” It’s possible that the update will attempt to disrupt flash card usage as well as homebrew, though that hasn’t been confirmed just yet.

Source 1, Source 2

New scan of The Last Story

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 5 Comments

Pokemon Black/White (DS) – 10/10/10/10
Trick x Logic: Season 2 (PSP) – 8/8/9/9
Front Mission Evolved (PS3/360) – 8/7/8/7
Deca Sporta 3: Wii de Sports 10 Shumoku! (Wii) – 8/7/7/6
Blue Roses: Yousei to Aoi Hitomi no Senshitachi (PSP) – 7/7/7/7

The image is somewhat blurry, but it’s better than nothing, right? It’s possible that we’ll see a higher-quality scan tomorrow.

Update: Scan here.

Motohide Eshiro has previously expressed some interest in making a sequel to Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. It definitely seems like Eshiro is proud of his original work, as Famitsu has revealed today that another game in the series is in the works. This is just an initial leak, as only a picture of the magazine’s latest cover has been taken. You can expect the first scans and details to pop up shortly, however.

Nintendo supported WiiWare demos in 2009 by offering a batch of downloads on the Shop Channel, but the same cannot be said this year. Up to this point, it seemed that demos had essentially been abandoned, even though the program received very warm feedback. Good news, though. Well, if you’re living in Japan that is.

If you happen to own a Japanese Wii, you can try out Surinuke Anatousu free of charge. Interestingly, this is the first time Nintendo has launched a demo alongside the release of a WiiWare title. Hopefully this is a sign that the demo program will receive greater support in the future, and perhaps Nintendo will consider releasing demos to coincide with new game releases more often.


This information comes from Warren Spector…

“This is a Disney game. It’s going to have the lush, beautiful, bright colours of a Disney feature film on the Wii. And I want players and I want our competition to think ‘holy cow I didn’t know you could do that on a Wii’. For my money, Epic Mickey may be the best looking Wii game ever. The critical thing is I believe we’ve captured the spirit of the character, and the essence of Disney. That’s what we needed to do. When you start any project you have to know what you want to achieve. I remember when we started this project I told the team that some day we’ll be at E3, and there are going to be 2,500 games on display, and 1,800 are going to be brown. ‘Welcome to brown world!’ And the others are going to be [mock enthusiasm] hyper-real! Everything looks real now! I told the team we’re going to have five seconds – five seconds for people walking past our exhibitor booth to know that Epic Mickey doesn’t look like any other game.”

It’s tough for me to be completely certain until I see the game on my television, but I feel that Epic Mickey features some beautiful visuals. Thus far, the best graphics on Wii have mostly come out of Nintendo development studios, so it’s nice to see a third-party game like Epic Mickey look fantastic.



Team Up with Iconic Characters from the DC Universe™ and
Play Through Adventures Based on the Hit Animated Series on Wii™ and Nintendo DS™

BURBANK, Calif. – September 7, 2010 – Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment are teaming up for the launch of Batman: The Brave and the Bold™ the Videogame, an episodic, family-friendly adventure based on the hit animated series of the same name. The game is available today in North America and Asia Pacific for Wii™ and Nintendo DS™, and will be available and across Europe and other PAL territories beginning September 10, 2010.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold the Videogame features the VO talent, action and hilarious dialogue of the cartoon and drops players into an action-packed melee in which Batman partners with Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Robin, Hawkman and Blue Beetle to fight crime against the most notorious villains in the DC Universe. Playing solo as the Caped Crusader or together with family and friends in two-player co-op mode, gamers will experience the ultimate side-scrolling extravaganza through four episodes of comedic fun.

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