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Starting today, fans can pre-order GoldenEye 007 for Wii at GameStop to receive an exclusive* code to unlock Invisibility Mode for split screen multiplayer. Invisibility Mode allows each player to become invisible for a set period of time. Run right up to other players without them ever seeing you and catch them off guard with a surprise attack in the heat of battle! *Exclusive until Dec. 31, 2010. For more info and an exclusive video sneak peek, visit this link. Get Invisible. Get the Edge. Get Your Friends.

Eager fans who purchase a copy of GoldenEye 007 at Best Buy will receive an exclusive* code to unlock Tag Mode for splitscreen multiplayer. Tag Mode takes the classic playground game and gives it a twist on the Wii. The player who is “tagged” cannot eliminate an opponent until they tag someone else – creating fast, frenetic multiplayer action where players are sprinting at each other from all angles. *Exclusive until Dec. 31, 2010. For more info and an exclusive video sneak peek, visit

Best weapon: Ice beam
Most dramatic moment: The baby Metroid’s sacrifice
Best enemy: Metroid
Best secret: Samus is a woman
Best armor: Varia Suit from Super Metroid
Best Ridley: Meta Ridley
Best boss: The Metroid Prime
Best ability: Spider ball
Best self-destruct escape: Finale of Super Metroid
Best ship: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Best tune: Main theme from Metroid
Best ending: Metroid: Zero Mission

It’s hard to believe that Wave Race: Blue Storm is almost nine years old. It feels like yesterday when the game arrived! Yet even though Blue Storm has been out for a number of years, there is a particular code that seems to have gone unnoticed until very recently, or simply wasn’t publicized much until now. Here’s how you go about entering/using the code:

1) Go to the options menu, and then audio settings
2) Pressing the Z button will change the waveform display at the bottom – tap until the waveform resembles a vertically rising fog
3) Then, press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, X, and Z on the d-pad; an audio cue can be heard if you execute the commands correctly
4) Return to the main menu
5) Begin a race, choose the first character

The code doesn’t really change anything in terms of gameplay, but you will hear some insulting, albeit very humorous commentary while you race. Phrases include:

“You’ve chosen poorly.”
“That turbo’s wasted on you.”
“If you don’t win this race, I’m not gonna love you anymore.”
“Your wins are like diamonds: very rare.”
“You don’t have an inferiority complex. You’re just inferior.”

There are a number of other phrases as well, though you can check out a few of them in action in the video above. I recommend trying the code out yourself!

Even though Conduit 2 was on track to be released on November 2, coverage of the game has been rather light recently. Perhaps we know the reason for that now. SEGA and High Voltage Software have quietly confirmed that Conduit 2 has been pushed back to 2011. The two companies also revealed that the title will support the Classic Controller/Classic Controller Pro when it arrives in the first quarter of next year.


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