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Update: ONM’s has clarified the situation regarding a second character (thanks Robert!). The review actually states:

“Luigi nonchalantly turns up about 20 stars in and offers his services at random points throughout the game, which is a good thing because it means you don’t have to get all 120 stars to play as him this time. What’s the reward for doing so this time around? Come on, we’re not telling you that!”

So the actual person who typed up details from the review misinterpreted what was written. On the bright side, it does seem like it’ll be worth getting all 120 stars anyway!

This information comes from the Super Mario Galaxy 2 review from the Official Nintendo Magazine…

– Super Mario Galaxy 2 takes place in an alternate reality, Mario and Lumas haven’t met b
– Side-scrolling intro acts as part of a story book, pages continue to turn as you progress
– Big Luma is called Lubba, he owns Starship Mario, transforms a planet into the ship
– Bowser has taken the stars along with Peach which Lubba needs to power the ship
– Lubba says: “Nice spaceship, huh? More like a FACEship!” when he transforms the ship
– Starship Mario technically acts as a small hub where you talk to NPCs and have fun
– Brighter game in some respects, has more color and sunny planets
– More than 40 galaxies
– More of Yoshi in Galaxy 2 than New Super Mario Bros. Wii
– Spring Mario power-up only isn’t used very much at all
– Luigi playable at 20 stars, might have another playable character at 120
– Monkey called “The Chimp” allows you to play mini-games
– More 2D sections
– Galaxy 2 has throwbacks to older Mario titles, game tells you not to go on the Internet and search for them
– Bowser stages comparable to Super Mario 64


Chris Scullion

01. / 00. [NDS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 (Square Enix) – 623.643 / NEW
02. / 00. [PSP] Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (Konami) – 434.366 / NEW
03. / 00. [PS3] Super Street Fighter 4 (Capcom) – 80.882 / NEW
04. / 02. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) – 44.593 / 3.760.089 (+55%)
05. / 00. [360] Super Street Fighter 4 (Capcom) – 28.454 / NEW
06. / 08. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) – 28.152 / 2.739.000 (+106%)
07. / 04. [NDS] Friend Collection (Nintendo) – 26.787 / 3.157.452 (+36%)
08. / 00. [NDS] Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! DS Fate of Heat III – Yuki no Shugosha Raishuu! (Takara Tomy) – 24.050 / NEW

09. / 01. [PS3] NieR Replicant (Square Enix) – 20.889 / 81.063 (-65%)
10. / 07. [WII] Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo) – 19.690 / 1.867.447 (+29%)

Thanks to Ross M for the tip!

Download tracks from the seminal metal album, British Steel.

Cambridge, Mass. – May 7, 2010 – Harmonix and MTV Games today announced that fans can download live recordings of nine tracks from the seminal metal album, Judas Priest’s British Steel, next week in theRock Band Music Store of downloadable content for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Wii™.

With more than 400 artists, including Jimi Hendrix, The Who, AC/DC and Green Day, who are exclusive to Rock Band, as well as more than 1,100 songs available through the Rock Band platform and 65 million songs sold through its download store alone, Rock Band is the undisputed sales and content leader in the interactive music space, providing the deepest and best selection of artists, songs and albums.

ESRB updates

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Soccer Bashi (Wii) – E
Western Riding Academy (DS) – E
Cosmos Chaos! (DS) – E
Did It Myself (DSi) – EC
Super Swap (DSi) – E
Fantasy Slots: Adventure Slots and Games (Wii) – T
Hero of Sparta (DSi) – T
lift line (Wii) – E
Paws & Claws Marine Rescue (DS) – E
Kid Adventures: Sky Captains (Wii) – E
SteamWorld Tower Defense (DSi) – E10+

The Kore Gang has, to be blunt, had a development cycle from hell. It was originally going to be created for the Xbox, but the project was eventually moved to Wii. In 2008, an announcement regarding the switch in platforms was made, but there have been relatively few updates since then.

Well, it seems like The Kore Gang will see the light of day after all. According to the game’s new website, it’ll launch sometime in August. The developers will most likely share additional information in the coming weeks, though it’s great to see that the title will be released after all of this time has passed.

Source 1, Source

These sales are based on Famitsu data from March 29th to April 25th…

1. [Wii] New Super Mario Bros. Wii – 144,966 / 3,732,721
2. [PS3] Fist of the North Star: Warriors – 137,863 / 523,414
3. [PS3] Pro Baseball Spirits 2010 – 133,804 / NEW
4. [DS] Etrian Odyssey III – 125,136 / NEW
5. [PSP] Pro Baseball Spirits 2010 – 123,846 / NEW
6. [DS] Tomodachi Collection – 99,524 / 3,185,362
7. [DS] Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light – 83,141 / 413,942
8. [Wii] Wii Fit Plus – 70,967 / 1,858,827

9. [PS3] NieR Replicant – 64,818 / NEW
10. [PS3] Yakuza 4 – 57,638 / 538,264

Update: Added in an image as well (thanks Thomas N!)

“This is the final reference illustration, rendered with pencils, to be used for the metroid specimen sculpture. It marks the end of many months of work on designing a reinterpretation of the iconic monster into something that could exist in real life.” – Kalapusa, artist


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