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Late last year, artist Sean Ng created a number of pieces showcasing what a futuristic Zelda could look like. “The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of the Future” set resulted from his interest in seeing “what Hyrule would be like in some strange, parallel, bombed out universe”.

Ng was able to complete his work in seven weeks.

You can find a bunch of “Echoes of the Future” art in the gallery above. More details about the project are located here.

Thanks to eagleown for the tip.

I have to admit: I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for musicals. I was brought up on Broadway shows and even local productions.

So I guess you could say I have an biased opinion when I say that the above video is incredible. A fan has taken the events of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and mushed them into a four-minute musical. There’s some nice 2D pixel animation, the voice performances aren’t too shabby, and it has some enjoyable humor (though some of it isn’t suited for small children…).

Have a look for yourself above!

Super Mario Kart just got more realistic. One fan has combined an exercise bike with an Arduino microcontroller, sensors, and switches into a comparable SNES controller.

According to YouTube uploader “statuswoe”:

“Peddling at a certain rate holds down the A button to accelerate, left and right are buttons on the handlebars and there is a red button in the middle of the handlebars for using special items.”

I could imagine this becoming tiring after a short while, but it’s certainly a unique way to play Super Mario Kart.

Completely random, yet totally awesome.

It’s the weekend, so let’s have some fun, shall we?

I have absolutely no idea what Reggie was doing in the first half of the race. He straightens things out midway through, but couldn’t recover once he fell into a ditch and got hit by a Piranha Plant.

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

Hey, it’s like the Nintendo 64 kid all over again. This child was expecting to receive a puzzle, but his parents completely surprised him by getting him a 3DS instead. I’m sure we’ll see something like this when the Wii U launches next year!

Obviously some sort of hack/cheat was used here since Link jumped up high into the air toward the beginning of the video. Not sure why someone would want to bath with Gaepora, but it’s uh… interesting I guess? It’s strange seeing how the lower half of his body isn’t present…

Anyone happen to see this during the VGAs? It was awesome and funny at the same time!

As I’m sure a few of you may know, I’m a pretty big fan of electronic music producer Deadmau5- real name Joel-, so when I saw this picture I couldn’t help but share it with all of you. It’s an image taken when Mr. Mau5 spotted Miyamoto at the VGAs last night, got his armed signed by the man himself (and later tattooed that signature into permanence), and went on to take one of the coolest images I’ve ever seen of Miyamoto.

Good on ya, Joel. You have made many a game nerd smile.

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