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Shifting World has been out in North American for a few months now, but it still hasn’t come out in Europe. That’ll be changing very soon.

The game is about a month away from hitting European store shelves. Rising Star Games has confirmed that Shifting World will be available in September. No specific date yet, but we should be getting that information soon.

Source: Rising Star Games PR

Square Enix’s Gyrozetter 3DS game, announced late last year and detailed a few months back, is scheduled to hit Japan this spring.

The company’s Gyrozetter arcade title made use of Unreal Engine 3. As you would expect, the 3DS game won’t.

Gyrozetter 3DS is a completely original RPG, and it won’t have many ties to the arcade version. Producer Ryutaro Ichimura says development is progressing well.


Atlus has updated the Shin Megami Tensei IV teaser website once again today. The page now features a change in music and a message from art director Eiji Ishida.

You can visit the official Shin Megami Tensei IV site here.

This month’s GamesTM review scores are as follows:

Lollipop Chainsaw – 8
The Secret World – 8
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes – 7
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy – 8
The Amazing Spider-Man – 6
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dawnguard – 5
Babel Rising – 4
Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor – 3
Sins of a Solar Empire – 6
Krater – 5
Home – 8
Pocket Planes – 6
Gungnir – 6
Quantum Conundrum – 8
Joy Ride Turbo – 6
Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 3 – 8
Gunlord – 5
Rainbow Moon – 8
Dr Who: The Eternity Clock – 2
The Big Big Castle – 7
Uplink – 8

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Shin’en has divulged one small detail about Nano Assault EX. The studio has confirmed that it will be implementing Circle Pad Pro support.

Nano Assault EX was announced for the eShop yesterday. It will offer new modes as more options.


Nintendo’s 2012 annual report has gone live. While it doesn’t contain a whole lot of interesting information, president Satoru Iwata did include a message to consumers. He discussed the Wii U, 3DS, Nintendo Network, and more.

We’ve posted the full message above.

One magazine has a new preview of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate this month. The article provides a sneak peak of Simon Belmont, one of the game’s playable characters. Take a look at Belmont in the scan above.


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