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It was nearly eight months ago now I first got to sit down- on a bench outside of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), no less- and play Renegade Kid’s upcoming 2D/3D platformer, Maximillion and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds. There wasn’t a fancy playing station, there weren’t any giant LED screens, and not a single booth babe could be seen; in layman’s terms, all of the flash and glamour of E3 was left indoors with the big budget games, alongside the bells and whistles we’ve come to expect from them. When I played Mudds, the only thing that could force me into enjoyment was the game itself, and much to my delight, it was every bit as fun as I had hoped.

Which is really quite good because believe me, there really isn’t anything more awkward and difficult than telling a developer to his or her face that you don’t like their game.

Fast forward to now, and the game is finally nearing its release date (January 26th, for those unaware!), garnering some much-needed media attention to drum up the hype required for it to sell. Being the good gaming “journalist” I am, I figured it was time for me to do my part, so I sat down with Renegade Kid CEO and co-founder Jools Watsham and forced him to answer some questions in return for my services of marketing his game. Because we at NintendoEverything are nothing but a bunch of sellouts who make absolutely no money. Hit the break for the interview…

February 2

Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword (3DS Download) – $6.99
GO Series: Undead Storm (DSiWare) – $1.99 / 200 points

February 9

40-in-1 Explosive Megamix (DSiWare) – $7.99 / 800 points

A new third-party interview has gone live on the Iwata Asks website. Much of the discussion focuses on Resident Evil: Revelations, but there are a few tidbits about The Mercenaries 3D as well.

Sound coordinator Kota Suzuki, art director Yoshizumi Hori, director Koshi Nakanishi, Tsukasa Takenaka, producer Masachika Kawata, and Nintendo president Satoru Iwata participated in the interview.

Head past the break for a roundup of details!

Ubisoft has confirmed the North American release date for Rayman Origins 3DS. Expect it to hit store shelves on February 20.

In other news, it seems that the European date has been bumped up. IGN’s report states that Rayman Origins is coming out in Europe on February 16.


The final boxart for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy has been spotted, and it contains a couple of interesting inclusions.

First, there appears to be a logo on the front of the game’s boxart for something called the “Nintendo Network”.

Additionally the box completely confirms DLC for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. According to some fine print on the back image, users will be asked to pay a free for the downloadable content.

Could the Nintendo Network logo and 3DS DLC be related? That’s unclear at the moment, but it could be possible.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip!


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