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BZZZT release date

August 26: The Switch version of BZZZT now has a release date. As revealed by an eShop listing, the game launches on September 19, 2024.

BZZZT was first announced during an Indie World Showcase this past April. While we knew it was planned for the summer, there wasn’t anything more specific to go on until now.

It’s been some time since we last heard about Clock Tower: Rewind, which was announced for Switch release last year and received a limited edition physical pre-order earlier this year via Limited Run Games. Sunsoft have now confirmed that the game will release on Switch in a couple of months, on October 31.

Catch up on the game with an overview below:

Goat Simulator 3 gameplay

A few minutes of gameplay is in for the new Switch version of Goat Simulator 3. After it was announced in yesterday’s Nintendo Direct, the game immediately hit the eShop.

Lots of details about it can be found in the following overview:

August 21 : Publisher Prototype have announced that Stella of the End will receive a Switch release this year in Japan. The visual novel, developed by Key, originally released last year on PC, and received a Western localization, so an overseas release seems likely.

You can get an overview of the game below, which comes via its Steam page:

Splatoon 3 update 9.0.0

Splatoon 3 is coming up on the end of its primary support, but Nintendo is readying the next major update with version 9.0.0.

According to Nintendo, the primary purpose of the update is about “adding data for a special Big Run that will be held in the near future, improving connectivity, and making adjustments to battles.” There are other aspects as well, including support for the newest amiibo and a massive amount of fixes.

Here’s the full rundown:

Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy physical

Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy has been on the Switch eShop for a couple of years, but it’s now getting the physical treatment. Limited Run Games will be handling distribution.

At least as of now, only a standard version is planned. Limited Run Games didn’t make any announcements regarding special editions.

System: Switch
Release date: August 29, 2024
Developer: Bandai Namco
Publisher: Bandai Namco

Although I’ve always appreciated the complex political machinations, emotionally charged character dynamics, and poignant themes of war that have defined a lot of media in the Gundam series, it’s often the designs of the Mobile Suits that have determined just how much I enjoy any one particular entry. If, like me, you’ve ever wanted to make your own Mobile Suit, or thought that one might look just a little better if a few tweaks were made, then Gundam Breaker 4 is the game you’ve been waiting for. Even if you’re unfamiliar with the franchise, the depth of customization on offer makes this worth looking into if you’re in the market for something that will let you test the limits of your creativity.

Green Ranger will be playable in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind. That’s according to Digital Eclipse, with the announcement happening today.

Green Ranger will be unlockable in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind. Tommy’s story is incorporated into the narrative, allowing players to select the Green Ranger on future playthroughs once they’ve completed the campaign.

Here’s some additional information shared by Digital Eclipse:

Minecraft Dungeons Switch Online Game Trial

If you’re a Nintendo Switch Online subscriber in North America, you can now play Minecraft Dungeons as part of the latest Game Trial. This is the second time that’s happened, though the first trial was in 2021.

Fans can experience the game in its entirety with an active membership. Additionally, as progress made in the title can be carried over to the full version. Also, by simply participating, you can earn 100 Platinum Points on My Nintendo.

Metro Quester: Osaka

Metro Quester: Osaka will release Metro Quester: Osaka on Switch, the company announced today. The game launches worldwide on September 13, 2024.

Developed by Thousand Games, Metro Quester: Osaka is a dungeon exploration RPG. It comes with 32 characters and eight classes, support for New Game+, and more.

Further details can be found in the following overview:

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