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Nintendo recently kicked off a Christmas event for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. The Big N is also thinking about another big event for the game based around New Year’s.

The image above was sent out on the Japanese Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Twitter account a few hours ago. Nintendo hasn’t said what’s planned for the New Year’s event, but we should be finding out fairly soon.


Fire Emblem Heroes has updated, and the Navarre Grand Hero Battle has returned. Players can take on the challenge in Special Maps. If you defeat Navarre, you’ll add him to your party, and doing so on Infernal difficulty is awaiting those who completed the challenge previously

Nintendo has also make limited-time special quests available. Even if you’ve beaten them previously, you can earn an additional Grand Hero by clearing quests.

The Grand Hero Battle event lasts until December 30.

Source: Fire Emblem Heroes

Update (12/22): Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp version 1.1.1 is now available on iOS as well.

Original (12/21): A new update has gone out for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, though only on Android at present. The latest version is 1.1.1.

Nintendo only mentions that bug fixes have been implemented with the latest update. We’ll keep an eye for any further information or a release on iOS.

Source: Google Play

A new tempest trial will be live on December 26th and to prepare a summoning focus featuring Nowi, Lucina and Frederick has gone live and will last til January 9th.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find a returning stage theme, along with some brand new items.

“‘Tis the season! Happy Holidays” is the returning theme. It includes the following:

– Santa hat (set)
– Santa jacket (set)
– Santa pants (set)
– Santa boots (set)
– Santa-miniskirt top (set)
– Santa-miniskirt boots (set)
– Reindeer hood (set)
– Reindeer suit (set)
– Holiday wreath hat
– Holiday tree suit
– Winter-holiday skirt
– Ugly Santa sweater

And as far as the new items go, you can nab the following:

– Steampunk goggles
– Steampunk boy outfit
– Armored angelic wings


Following yesterday’s leak, Niantic has confirmed a new holiday event for Pokemon GO.

The event begins today, and features more Ice-type Pokemon appearing around the world as well as new Water-type and Ice-type Pokemon from the Hoenn region. Additionally, when you visit a PokeStop for the first time each day, you’ll receive a single-use Egg Incubator with your first Photo Disc spin. There are special boxes available from the in-game shop as well.

Here’s the full notice about the event from Niantic:

A new summoning focus is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. This summoning focus is called “Weapons to Refine Part 2” and is a continuation of the last summoning focus in this series.

The Weapons to Refine Part 2 summoning focus features 5 star versions of Eldigan, Minerva, and Jaffar and will be available until January 4th.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp just got a new update that adds 7 new animals to the game. The new animals that you can find in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp are Marshal, Mitzi, June, Drake, Vesta, Goose, and Avery.

There is also a new event called “Host the Most” which features new Timed Goals to complete. In order to finish the goals and get rewards, you have to host as many animal friends. Also, while these Timed Goals are active, your friendship with animals will grow more quickly when completing requests. The “Host the Most” event will be available until December 27th.

When Christmas rolls in next week, it could be accompanied by a special event in Pokemon GO. Google Play in Taiwan teases what’s to come.

First, Niantic looks to be planning special sale boxes that include incubator and a new “starpiece” item. Also mentioned is more Pokemon from the Hoenn region, and the appearance of Delibird. Players should be able to encounter wearing Pikachu a Santa hat as well.

We expect that Niantic will be sharing official news about its new holiday event for Pokemon GO very soon.


Niantic is boosting Pokemon GO with some new functionality. If you have a device that’s running iOS 11 on iPhone 6s or newer, you’ll be able to experience AR+.

AR+ allows for all sorts of improvements and features. For example, Pokemon are now fixed to a point in space, and they’ll run away if they become aware of the Trainers getting too close.

Here’s the full lowdown on AR+ in Pokemon GO from Niantic:

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