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Antonio, Raddle, Phoebe and Bluebear have just become available to invite over to your campsite in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. They also have furniture they like added to the game too for you to craft. In addition to these new animals it seems a mini event is happening where doing requests for animals will make their friendship grow more quickly, this will last until December 10th.

A variety of games were nominated for Google Play’s Best of 2017 award in Japan. The winner has been revealed, and Fire Emblem Heroes came away as the winner.

Google specifically chose Fire Emblem Heroes for the award. However, it did not make the top five for the user voted category.

It’s also worth noting that Magikarp Jump won for “Cute & Casual”.


Pokemon GO

In the past, Pokemon GO’s in-game map has been powered by Google. But in recent days, the game has been updated, and has switched to OpenStreetMap. Some players have noticed that the map in Pokemon GO looks different as a result.

The change hasn’t applied in every single region just yet. It appears to have been rolled out in the United States as well as a number of South American and Asian countries.

A new summoning focus is now live and will be available from today to December 18th. This focus has three new heroes as the focus: Siegbert, Soleil and Shiro. If your feeling up for it you can try for these three heroes.

A number of new items have been added to Miitomo. Among the selection you’ll find in the app, the following are now available:

– Headset
– Hero scarf
– Elegant roses
– School uniform (long)

These items can be obtained by using Miitomo coins in Miitomo Shop.


Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“Jack in to fashion! Cyberpunk streetwear” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:


At the end of October, The Wall Street Journal shared some rumored information claiming that one reason for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp’s delay was due to the game seeing an overhaul “at least once during the development process to ensure quality.” Liam Robertson from Unseen64 apparently has more on the situation, and dug up details about how a much different title was initially planned.

Development on the Animal Crossing game for mobile apparently began in early 2016. At the time, what Nintendo had been cooking up was said to be more simplistic.

Another update is now available for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. On both iOS and Android, Nintendo has started distributing version 1.0.3.

Today’s update admittedly isn’t terribly exciting. The patch notes only state that bug fixes have been implemented.

Source: iOS / Android

This month’s EDGE review scores are as follows:

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 – 4
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – 7
Call of Duty: WWII – 7
Need for Speed Payback – 4
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp – 5
Hidden Agenda – 4
Bury Me, My Love – 7
Million Onion Hotel – 8


Fire Emblem Heroes will soon be kicking off a new Enduring Love Voting Gauntlet. It’s set to feature those who hold love in their hearts, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems say.

The following eight heroes will be included:

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