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Due to a planned update to optimize server communication a scheduled maintenance will take place October 23rd from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. CST. You will be unable to play Fire Emblem Heroes at this time.

Everything we’ve heard about Pokemon GO over the past few days has pointed to the game receiving some of the first Gen III Pokemon during Halloween. The Apple Watch App Store further hints at this. An ad on the store shows Pokemon including Sableye and Duskull.

Also, it looks like a new hat could be introduced for the Halloween event. We’re able to see what looks like Pikachu wearing a witch’s hat.


Fire Emblem Heroes added in new content based on Genealogy of the Holy War earlier today. Players can take on World of Holy War Paralogue maps and participate in new summons. Check out some footage below.

The newest summoning focus features the characters from Genealogy of the Holy War as well as some new paralogue missions. Once again the characters are Sigurd, Tailtiu and Deirdre. There will also be special quests available with the new paralogues. The event will last until October 30th.

It has been awhile since we’ve heard anything new about PokeLand, but now we’ve at least got a good number of screenshots to share of the game and some new info on the new alpha.

The new alpha test for PokeLand in Japan for Android users is set to start sometime tomorrow on October 17th lasting to October 27th. This will include more stages, Pokemon, items and abilities. The screenshots are down below.



A number of new items have been added to Miitomo. Among the selection you’ll find in the app, the following are now available:

– Star print wire headband
– Dolman knit cardigan
– Denim overall dress

These items can be obtained by using Miitomo coins in Miitomo Shop.


Pokemon GO

It’s that time once again. Pokemon GO is getting another update, and Niantic is in the process of rolling out the patch. It’ll be version 0.79.2 for Android and 1.49.2 for iOS devices.

Niantic says that the update is to implement bug fixes and performance updates. No new functionality at this time.


Nintendo and Intelligent Systems held a Blood of the Dragons Voting Gauntlet for Fire Emblem Heroes this past week. Today, a winner was crowned.

Ninian ended up facing Female Corrin in the final round. It was pretty close, but fans ultimately pushed Ninian to victory. The final count was 62,021,191,447 votes for Ninian and 61,409,522,227 votes for Female Corrin.

Source: Fire Emblem Heroes

Pokemon GO has been datamined once again. Based on what players have found, Gen III Pokemon could be added during Halloween later this month.

One of the big hints we have is Pokemon GO’s upcoming loading screen, which features Duskull and Dusclops, Shuppet and Banette and Sableye. It goes without saying that these creatures are associated with Gen III. Audio clips from this generation have also been spotted in the game’s files.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“The ghouls draw near… Halloween Horror” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:

– Zombie hood
– Zombie shirt (set)
– Zombie pants (set)
– Zombie slippers (set)
– Frankenstein hood
– Frankenstein outfit
– Werewolf hood
– Werewolf outfit
– Dracula’s soiree outfit
– Mummy costume
– Eyeball tee
– Coffin

The returning stage will be available until October 17 at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET.


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