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Switch eShop

Croixleur Sigma

Playism will soon be publishing Croixleur Sigma on Switch, a listing on the Japanese eShop reveals. The game is currently scheduled for November 1 at a price point of 1,400 yen.

Here’s an overview from Steam, along with a trailer:

NAIRI: Tower of Shirin

NAIRI: Tower of Shirin has finally been dated for Switch. Over on the Japanese eShop, a listing has just been added which reveals a November 29 release date.

Here’s an overview for the game, along with a trailer:


Back during the summer, Grunka Munka Games announced Collidalot for Switch. The studio today confirmed that it’ll be releasing digitally via the eShop next month.

Here’s an overview along with a new trailer:

World Snooker

Ripstone Games, in partnership with Lab42 and World Snooker, has announced that it’s working on Snooker 19. The game will be coming to Switch in 2019.

We have the following details from Ripstone:

Hamster has announced that it will release two more classic games on Switch this week. For its NeoGeo title, Strikers 1945 Plus will be available. Ninja-Kid II will represent the arcade side of things.

Here’s an overview of both:

Tomorrow Corporation will soon be bringing 7 Billion Humans, a followup to Human Resource Machine, to Switch. Get a look at some footage below.

With Valkyria Chronicles making its way to Switch today, that marks the third time that SEGA has released the game. See how the Switch version compares to the PS4 and PS3 versions below.

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Yomawari: The Long Night Collection

Nintendo has updated the release schedule on its platforms for the week of October 25. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:



Spearhead Games announced today that Omensight is coming to Switch. If all goes well, it’ll be brought to the eShop sometime in November.

Omensight, an “action murder-mystery game”, is also a spiritual successor to Stories: The Path of Destinies. It features voice acting from Patricia Summersett (Zelda: Breath of the Wild) and Julian Casey (We Happy Few, Stories).

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