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Switch eShop

Nintendo has put out a new video highlighting some of the games that were added to the eShop around March. Get a look at it below.

Confirmation has come in regarding a release date for Sally’s Law. At least in North America and Japan, it’s due out on April 5. Pricing is set at $14.99.

Here’s the news straight from Twitter:

Thanks to m_t for the tip.


March is almost over. Barring a miracle, that meant Shelter Generations would not be coming out this month as originally planned. Circle Entertainment has now confirmed that the game has been pushed back, but the delay thankfully won’t be long.

Shelter Generations is now lined up for sometime in April. When we have an exact release date, we’ll let you know.

Thanks to AstronoLuke for the tip.


Lode Runner Legacy landed on the eShop in all regions yesterday. In the video below, you can check out some gameplay footage.

Creator David Wehle has announced that The First Tree is coming to consoles, including Switch. DO Games has been brought on board to work on the port.

The First Tree a third-person exploration game. You’ll play as a fox while two concurrent stories unfold – one about a fox trying to find her missing family, and another involving a son reconnecting with his father in Alaska.

We’ve included more information about The First Tree below. Wehle hopes to have the console versions ready for late 2018.

Update (3/30): Area 35 has now confirmed that the multiplayer mode will be playable to the public at PAX East. You can try out the new feature at the Unties booth at 10011. Some elements from the demo will only be shown to the press.

Original (3/26): Area 35 previously announced that Tiny Metal would be getting multiplayer functionality. Today, the studio confirmed that the feature will be added as a free update sometime in May.

Tiny Metal’s multiplayer mode will be shown off for the first time at PAX East. It won’t be available to the public, but press will be able to go hands-on – so we should have details soon.

Source: Area 35 PR

Icey footage

Posted on 6 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments


Icey, a 2D side-scrolling action game, was revealed for Switch back in October. Take a look at some footage below.

BAFL: Brakes Are For Losers was announced for Switch quite a long time ago. The racer now has a release date, as the eShop shows that it’s launching next month. You can pre-load the game in both North America and Europe.

BAFL: Brakes Are For Losers is slated for April 19. Pricing is set at $4.99. For more information and a trailer, continue on below.

Developer I Hate Running Backwards has confirmed that Binx Interactive is in the works for Switch. It’s a top-down shooter with procedurally generated levels. Co-op multiplayer is also supported.

I Hate Running Backwards is currently without a release window, but it’s planned for the eShop. We have more information and some footage below.

Arcade Archives Punch-Out!! has launched in Japan, and it should be available in the west tomorrow as well. Direct-feed gameplay can be found below.

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