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Switch eShop

Kero Blaster will be released on Switch, Playism has revealed. A new video in which the company shows of its Switch lineup confirms the news. The video also highlights TorqueL: Physics Modified Edition, Croixleur Sigma, and Detention.

Daisuke “Pixel” Amaya, who made Cave Story, was also the creator of Kero Blaster. It’s a “classically-styled 2D side scrolling action game packed with adventure.”

We have further details on Kero Blaster below, along with Playism’s Switch lineup video.

A couple of years ago, Brainseed Factory made the puzzle platformer Typoman for Wii U. That same game is now destined for Switch. Brainseed Factory is teaming up with Wales Interactive to make the port happen, the two companies announced today.

Typoman is launching on February 22 for Switch. You should be able to pre-load the game soon with a 20% discount. The sale price is $10.39 / £7.99, but the game will normally cost $12.99 / £9.99.

Find some additional information and a Switch trailer for Typoman below.

Listings on the eShop provide file sizes or a number of Switch games. These include Crypt of the Necrodancer, Owlboy, and more.

Here’s the full roundup:


This week, Hamster is bringing Samurai Shodown II to Switch as its latest NeoGeo game. We’ve added in some footage below.

TorqueL: Physics Modified Edition arrived on the Japanese Switch eShop earlier today. We now have confirmation that a western release is planned.

Over on the European Switch eShop, you can pre-load TorqueL: Physics Modified Edition right now ahead of its February 15 release. Doing so will save you 20% – the current price is £7.19. TorqueL isn’t up on the North American eShop at present, but that will likely be changing soon.

We have more details and a trailer for TorqueL: Physics Modified Edition below.


Granzella has published a teaser trailer for its new trading card game Hototogisu Tairan 1553: Ryuuko Aiutsu. View a video for the Switch title below. You can also access the official website here.

Stick Fight: The Game

The physics-based couch/online fighting title Stick Fight: The Game will release on Switch, Landfall has confirmed. The developer shared the news regarding a port on the game’s official Steam forum.

Developer Botten Hanna said that the Switch version will take “a couple of more months”. It’s unknown how much the game will cost, but “hopefully around the same price as for PC.”

Continue on below for more details and a trailer for Stick Fight: The Game.

With its February 6 release date set, footage is now beginning to surface for Black Hole. Have a look at 10 minutes of gameplay below.

Another update is now available for Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure on Switch. Merge Games and Prospect Games have readied version 1.0.3.

The new update addresses two specific bugs. As shared by Prospect Games, the patch notes are as follows:

– Fixed a bug where SLAM attack would intermittently stop working correctly.
– Fixed a bug where players could get stuck after unlocking the Puzzle Monarch’s Stamp (Isla Cartulina).


A few minutes of footage is in showing off Crypt of the Necrodancer: Nintendo Switch Edition. Get a look at the gameplay below.

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