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Wii U eShop

Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut could be heading to Europe in just a couple of weeks. At the moment, the Wii U eShop is listing an October 16 release date. Lone Survivor will cost €11,99 at launch.


Mografi, the indie developer behind Jenny LeClue, has become an official Wii U developer.

That news comes from the game’s official Twitter account, which posted the following today:

Might this mean that Jenny LeClue will end up on Wii U? It certainly looks possible!

You can get a look at Jenny LeClue in the video below. It’s described as “a handmade, 2D, exploration based, adventure game with a focus on story, character, and mystery.”


U Craft’s mystery developer has been revealed. The Mincraft-esque title is being worked on by Nexis Games, the indie studio behind BrickBlast U! and the upcoming Dance of the Damned. Nexis hopes to have U Craft out by Christmas.


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