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FIFA 14 isn’t heading to Wii U, but EA is churning out yet another release for Wii. Unfortunately, it’s more or less the same as FIFA 13, as is the case with the 3DS version.

An Amazon description detected by ONM indicates that FIFA 14 is just another kits/squads update, just like its handheld counterpart. That means no new modes, and no updates to the core gameplay.


Resident Evil 4 adopted a fairly different approach than its predecessors. For the game’s development, Capcom decided to make the game more action-oriented.

This was a conscious decision made by Shinji Mikami, who was director of the project. Because the 2002 remake of Resident Evil was a “commercial failure”, Mikami wanted to emphasize gameplay as opposed to scaring players.

Mikami told IGN in a new interview:

Bully may not carry the same weight as Grand Theft Auto, but it’s very much loved among those who have played the game. A sequel is something that fans have requested for several years.

Rockstar isn’t working on a sequel – as far as we know. However, the company’s Dan Houser has interest in creating a follow-up.

Speaking with Polygon, Houser said:

“I know I want to. Well, hopefully, you never know. There’s a lot of directions I could go with that one, it’s funny.”

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. Today’s circular is less about deals, as pre-order offers take the focus. But hey… you can save $10 on Zumba Fitness for Wii.

Here’s the ad in full:



The 3DS has managed to outpace the Wii’s lifetime sales in Japan, based on the latest data from Media Create.

Nintendo’s handheld sold another 159,388 units last week, bringing the system’s total to 12,752,731. Wii’s lifetime sales in Japan stand at 12,698,878.

The 3DS obtained its sales in roughly 2.5 years. The Wii has been around for close to seven years, having launched in Japan back in December 2006.


EDGE #259 review scores

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments

This month’s EDGE review scores are as follows:

Grand Theft Auto V – 10
Disney Infinity – 7
Puppeteer – 7
Outlast – 9
Killzone: Mercenary – 6
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – 6
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs – 7
868-HACK – 8
Shelter – 7
Dragon’s Crown – 6

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS LL – 118,400
3DS – 40,988
PS3 – 10,749
Wii U – 5,824
Vita – 5,155
PSP – 5,082
Wii – 965
Xbox 360 – 610

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DS LL – 236,700
3DS – 40,092
PS3 – 12,146
Vita – 6,020
PSP – 5,449
Wii U – 5,003
Wii – 962
Xbox 360 – 244

Game Informer has the first details on Disney Infinity: Toy Story in Space in this month’s issue.

As the name suggests, the new Play Set places Buzz, Jessie, and Woody in a space setting. The three are looking to colonize a new planet that will act as the home for the three-eyed aliens found in vending machines.

After the base has been set up, the planet will be fitted with a hospital, clothing store, hatchery, and research center. Players will use these locations to help out the various aliens. As an example, you may find that an alien has eaten something it shouldn’t have, and will therefore need to be taken to the hospital.

There are also jetpack challenges, alien horse races, and a variety of platforming sections. Finish off certain missions to receive items such as a Star Command laser blaster, jet pack, hover pack. All of these rewards can be used in the Toy Box.

And what about Emperor Zurg? While he will show up in the new Play Set, his appearance could be limited to training-simulator exercises – at least based on Game Informer’s demo sampling.

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