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Making the first Paper Mario wasn’t easy for Intelligent Systems. First and foremost, the team couldn’t decide on the proper approach that should be taken for the game’s visuals.

Here’s one of the earliest designs created for the project:

As you can see, the title wasn’t known as “Paper Mario” at the time – understandably so. Instead, it was tentatively called “Mario RPG 64”. While it’s made of 3D polygons, according to Naohiko Aoyama, it features “an atmosphere like that of a picture book transplanted into a video game—with paper-thin 2D background and characters.”


The Wii U browser has a bit of a secret video playback function. It would appear that most, if not all, MP4 video files should be viewable through a computer.

Essentially, all that’s required is to set up a simple web server and upload the desired files. Then visit the server by entering your IP address in the URL bar, click on the video you wish to see, and that’s it! There’s a slightly more in-depth explanation here.

Video playback is limited to MP4 files. Other file types such as AVI and MKV aren’t compatible.

Thanks to Jackson for the tip.

At the moment, most users have been unable to get the Homebrew Channel running on Wii U. While it’s possible to run homebrew itself, there hasn’t been a way to access the dedicated channel. That could be changing in the future, however.

Take a look at this blurb from hacker Marcan:

Keep in mind that this is purely a demonstration at this stage. Depending on how things progress and what direction development takes, we may or may not release something like this in this form. Please don’t ask for release dates. We’d rather spend time investigating the new system than putting together a release that may or may not end up being the Right Way to do things in the future ;).

Please ignore the blue blinks. The monitor kind of sucks at syncing to component video sometimes. I would’ve used HDMI, but the Wii U cannot output analog audio simultaneously with HDMI (at least not for the Wii U menu part), and I cannot capture HDMI audio.


Suda51 delivers a well-produced mecha anime that’s as hyperactive as it is hyper-nationalistic. But how’s the actual game?


Level 5 really haven’t been having a whole lot of luck when it comes to the 3DS. Professor Layton and Inazuma Eleven might still bring in the cash, but the company’s attempts at starting new IPs like Time Travelers and Girls RPG: Cinderella Life sold poorly. But perhaps their biggest bomb of all was Guild 01, a compilation of quirky games that sold fewer than 15,000 copies upon its first week of release despite having some well-known game designers collaborating on the project. Oddly enough, Level 5 are now giving Guild 01 a second chance by rereleasing most of the games in the compilation through the 3DS eShop. The first of these titles to be available outside of Japan is Liberation Maiden, a 3D shooter heavily inspired by Japanese cartoons – specifically the kind where plot is second to cool robots flying around and blowing stuff up.

Nintendo Power has finally come to an end. Subscribers should soon be receiving the magazine’s December issue, which is its last.

It seems that Nintendo Power decided to go in an old-school direction with the final cover. Take a look:

Does that look familiar to any of you? It should! Nintendo Power is paying tribute to its very first cover from 1988:


Nintendo launched the 3DS worldwide in Q1 2011. That’s less than two years ago. Even though the portable hasn’t been around too long, it’s managed to make some impressive strides on the market.

First, the 3DS has already surpassed lifetime sales of the GameCube. It’s also reached two-thirds of the N64’s total sales, and almost half of the SNES’ sales.

Not bad, Nintendo.


EW has teamed up with Spike TV for a unique VGA reward. Next week, the “Game of the Decade” will be crowned.

Below are the full list of nominees:

“The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker”
“Half-Life 2”
“World of Warcraft”
“Shadow of the Colossus”
“Wii Sports”
“Mass Effect 2”
“Red Dead Redemption”
“Batman: Arkham City”

You can place your vote here. The winner will be announced during the VGAs next Friday.

A hacker going by the name of Marcan may have uncovered more Wii U specs. There’s information about the console’s clock speed, GPU core, and more.

All of Marcan’s are in the graphic above.

Source, Via

In what will undoubtedly be the most important news of the night, there’s a clip floating around of Michelle Obama being told what a Wii U is. She had no idea what the console is and how it differs from a Wii before a visiting child explained it to her.


Edit: Valay says I would know more about it than he… but unfortunately I’ve yet to find the zombie that the dev team speaks of! A map showed up on Miiverse a few hours ago but I’ve been unable to find it since, so in the meantime I’ll just wander around. If I find it I’ll let everyone know what it was.

The development team behind ZombiU was recently teasing… something for the game. We weren’t quite sure what was planned, but some players may have come across the surprise.

After returning to the location where the original message was found, the following appears:

And after scanning the text, this shows up:

So, basically, it sounds like you’ll receive some extra/unique loot by taking down this zombie. Austin would probably know about this better than myself!


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