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Nexis Games shared another trailer for UCraft today. You can find it attached above.

Additionally, Nexis shared an update regarding UCraft’s launch. It was originally targeted for this holiday, but the game has now been pushed back to Q2 2015.

Nexis explained in a new blog post:

Initially we were shooting for a holiday release however we have decided to effectively delay the game until the 2nd quarter of 2015. We know that this may come as a surprise to many of you but we feel this is the best course of action to ensure we deliver the best product possible to our beloved Wii U Community. We have devoted countless hours to the development of UCraft and we are very proud of our progress to date. We feel UCraft and the Wii U community deserve a great product not something rushed to the eshop to make a quick buck. We apologize from the bottom of our hearts Wii U Community but we are confident that this is the best move for UCraft.


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