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Wii U

Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

Pikachu’s Thunder now starts off with a thundercloud that deals a Meteor Smash! From left to right, you can see this combo starting with Pikachu throwing the opponent upward, Meteor Smashing with the lightning strike, and then directly attacking. Foes can dodge, of course, so the attack won’t hit consistently, but when it does, it sure feels good!

Several months ago, Shin’en revealed that the company was hard at work on its second-generation engine for Wii U. Both of the studio’s upcoming titles for the console – Art of Balance and FAST Racing Neo – are taking advantage of the upgraded tech, Manfred Linzer confirmed to us.

Linzer, CEO of Shin’en, said that the two games are actually just using “a subset of our new engine”. However, “we are pretty happy with the results,” he told us.

Linzer explained, “With FRN we wanted to get more realism. That was not possible with our old tech. So we implemented a lot of new stuff that allows us to get there. We are still learning but we think we are on a good way to create a really special Wii U game.”

While Art of Balance and FAST Racing Neo are taking advantage of the new engine, “Art of Balance is more on the ‘stylized’ side and FAST more on the realism side.”

We are sworn to secrecy regarding the engine’s capabilities, but know that Shin’en has managed to implement a number of improvements and a few new graphical effects. Some of these were previously used “in an ad hoc way, and not in a unified system.” According to Linzer, “Now everything blends nicely together which we need to get on a new level.”

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. You can find it in full below.


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Miiverse has received another small update today. Two small changes have been first.

First, users will now be directed to the Communities screen when logging in to Miiverse on the web. Second, those without Nintendo Network IDs can now view all popular posts as well as comments on those posts.

Here’s the official update news from Miiverse’s Marty:

Update: Fixes a bug within the game:

Fixes an issue where, upon completing level 3-3 – Frantic Fields, the path to level 3-4 – Scorch ‘n’ Torch would not open up, preventing players from proceeding with the game

Original: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has received a new update: version 1.1.0. Thing is, we’re not quite sure what it does at present! If we obtain any information, we’ll update this post.


The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS LL – 52,124
Vita – 39,752
PS4 – 23,327
PS3 – 17,154
Wii U – 13,026
3DS – 12,508
PSP – 4,206
Vita TV – 2,115
Xbox 360 – 304

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

Vita – 35,374
PS4 – 30,201
3DS LL – 28,291
PS3 – 15,455
3DS – 11,985
Wii U – 9,982
PSP – 3,563
Vita TV – 1,754
Xbox 360 – 288

Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

The Gust Bellows can blow opponents away with its powerful wind blasts. When someone drops it, though, the gusts run wild! Out of the new items, more than a few will be from The Legend of Zelda series. We’ll take the most interesting and straightforward ones and reformulate them to match the Smash Bros. world.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a big fan of April Fools. That’s one of the many reasons why we shy away from posting related content each year.

That said, one attempted April Fools’ joke did spiral a bit out of control earlier today, and developed into a more mainstream piece of news worth covering.

Essentially, a few tweets were posted on EA’s official Frostbite Engine Twitter account earlier today, which completed backfired. They are as follows:

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