E.X. Troopers is one of those games that sounded like it would never head over to North America and Europe. But wait – there is a small glimmer of hope!
Capcom’s Andrew Szymanski has suggested that E.X. Troopers could be localized with the right amount of fan input:
“Whether it’s E.X. Troopers or any other Japan-only games we do or even games we are considering doing, the best thing we can get is input. I don’t need an online petition. I just need people to go on the community sites, e-mail some of our community guys, and say these are the kinds of games we want to see.”
“Whether they are games released overseas that they want in other territories—again what made Strider possible was having that backup. James [Vance] and I can walk into a boardroom and say we want to make Strider, but they’re going to say, ‘Who cares about Strider anymore?’ These people care. You have got to be able to drop that big printout on that table.”
And when it was mentioned how Mega Man fans have been vocal over the past few years, Szymanski said:
“Well, we have to take it one at a time. Strider was the right opportunity at the right time with the right time with the right partner. We are always looking at what we can do down the line and in the future as well. Capcom wants to bring stuff like Strider and take games people know and bring them back to do cool things with them.”
When Christian Svensson was still at Capcom, he said that there were no plans to localize E.X. Troopers. At one point, Svensson noted how a release overseas would require the company “to redo a ton of art in the game, not just do the localization and loc QA.”
It’s been a strange week for Batman: Arkham Origins on Nintendo platforms. First we heard that the Wii U version wouldn’t include multiplayer. Now we’ve learned that Batman: Arkham Origins – Blackgate 3DS (the handheld companion to Origins on consoles) won’t be releasing in Japan.
To be clear, Blackgate is still coming to Japan. But for some unknown reason, Warner Bros. is only bringing the PS Vita version over. The 3DS game is nowhere to be found in any of the recent Japanese announcements.
In other news, all versions of Batman: Arkham Origins (console and portable) have been dated for Japan. The title will be out on December 5. Warner Bros. will be making Deathstroke DLC available to players on Wii U, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 as a limited bonus.
SEGA has launched the official site for its new IP Hero Bank. Access it here. Since it’s in Japanese, you’ll probably get the most enjoyment out of viewing the various screenshots and character art on the site.
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