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Yesterday’s 3DS eShop update reconfirms that Liberation Maiden will be released on October 25. The news can be found on the ticker at the eShop’s “homepage”.

The latest Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed trailer ends with a release date. SEGA’s racer comes out on November 18 for consoles… but not on handhelds.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed arrives a few weeks later on the 3DS and PlayStation Vita. As shown in the trailer, the portable versions are due on December 11.

Thanks to Einstein for the tip.

In the ZombiU trailer we posted today, the final image of the video indicates that the game will be launching on November 13. That’s a bit odd given that the Wii U won’t be out until November 18.

I suppose this doesn’t matter too much. You will, after all, need a Wii U in order to play ZombiU. But it is definitely interesting that Ubisoft could be shipping the first title before the system hits store shelves.

Thanks to Einstein for the tip.

New Fire Emblem: Awakening downloadable content went live in Japan today that continued the “Another Story: Future of Despair” arc. The third piece is scheduled for release next Thursday.

In this DLC, players will fight alongside Lucina, Jerome, Selena and Loran. There are children gathering around the stairs to prevent powerful enemy reinforcements from invading the area. You’ll need to do your part and cooperate to ensure that the children stay alive and the reinforcements are held off. It’s possible to view special conversations if the children’s mothers/fathers move next to them.

Another Story: Future of Despair 3 will be available on October 18 for 250 yen. The first and second episodes aren’t required in order to download this DLC.

Source 1, Source 2

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