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Marvelous’ Senran Kagura series had been exclusive to the 3DS… until Shinovi Versus was introduced.

That game is a spin-off of the mainline Senran Kagura titles. Going forward, it’s possible that other spin-offs will be made for other platforms, but the core entries will remain on the 3DS and its successors.

According to producer Kenichiro Takaki:

“We would like to continue the main series on the Nintendo 3DS or if there is a successor to the 3DS, Kagura will continue there. But, we definitely want a lot of users to play and experience the game so you can count on different forms of the game coming out.”


It would make perfect sense for GameCube games to be made available through the Wii U Virtual Console. The Wii featured Nintendo’s past library up through the N64, so moving on to the GCN would be the next logical step.

UK magazine Retro Gamer says this will indeed be happening. In its latest issue, an article contains the following blurb:

“Backwards compatibility with Wii will be included but you’ll no longer be able to play GameCube titles. They’ll be on the Virtual Console store instead.”

I personally don’t think we should be putting too much stock into this. While there’s a very, very strong possibility of GameCube games arriving on Wii U digitally, Retro Gamer’s words shouldn’t be taken as a confirmation.


A whole bunch of indie developers have weighed in on Nintendo’s eShops. Most of the commentary focuses on Wii U, but there are also tidbits about the 3DS. For instance, Bertil Horberg was able to confirm that Gunman Clive is heading to the portable’s digital store.

Going back to Wii U, indie developers discussed revenue cuts, expressed optimism over Nintendo’s deal with Unity, and more.

There’s lots of content to read up on below.

Game Informer asked a group of random people if they know what the Wii U is. Here’s how things turned out…


This month’s Nintendo Power review scores are as follows:

Pokemon Black/White 2 (DS) – 8.0
Madden NFL 13 (Wii) – 6.5
Angry Birds Trilogy (3DS) – 6.0
Code of Princess (3DS) – 7.5

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