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Nintendo is showing off the latest footage of New Super Mario Bros. 2 at the San Diego Comic-Con this week. GameSpot demonstrated some gameplay during a live-stream of the expo. We captured the video – you can take a look at it above.


Wondering why Nintendo is publishing a sequel to Art Academy? It could have something to do with the game’s sales.

Over 500,000 copies of the original game were sold in the UK alone. Between the rest of the sales in Europe, North America, and Japan, I wouldn’t be surprised if Art Academy is at a million units worldwide.

Marketing assistant Rebecca Archer commented on the success of Art Academy as well as expectations for the sequel:

“(Art Academy) continues to be one of the top performing Nintendo DS games each week. With all its new lessons and features we expect that New Art Academy for 3DS to meet, and hopefully succeed, our sales expectations.”


Ubisoft is showing off the latest footage of Marvel Avengers Battle For Earth at the San Diego Comic-Con this week. GameSpot demonstrated some gameplay during a live-stream of the expo (and managed to get a few words out of Ubisoft about the Wii U version). We captured the video – you can take a look at it above.


Renegade Kid’s Planet Crashers has received a North American release date. UTV Ignition will publish the game on the eShop on July 26. Anyone want to take a guess as to how much it’ll cost?


Nintendo’s new way of promoting some of its upcoming games is through the use of Nintendo Direct. Calcio Bit 3DS received a lengthy presentation a few weeks ago, and now Onitore will be receiving the same treatment.

On July 18, a 10-minute Nintendo Direct will be held for the new brain training title. The official name of the broadcast is “A Little Nintendo Direct Demon Training.”

Along with footage of the game, Nintendo will show footage of Satoru Iwata’s visit with Dr. Ryuta Kawashima.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip.

Source, Via

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