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Code of Princess video

Posted 12 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

The review scores from the April 2012 issue of EDGE are as follows:

Mass Effect 3 – 8
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare – 6
Syndicate – 6
Journey – 8
Binary Domain – 6
SSX – 5
I Am Alive – 7
Asura’s Wrath – 5
Kid Icarus: Uprising – 8
Tekken 3D: Prime Edition – 6
Super Stardust Delta – 8
Lumines ES – 8
Escape Plan – 7


Nintendo of America’s live-tweeting affair for Super Mario 3D Land GDC panel was a bit light on updates. Thankfully, there were others in attendance who had the opportunity to interview director Koichi Hayashida after his session finished.

1UP was one such publication that were given a few minutes to chat with Hayashida. A breakdown of their discsussion can be found after the break.

The Resident Evil: Revelations team had a number of idea that were left on the cutting room floor. Producer Masachika Kawata and Koshi Nakanishi recently divulged some of the things they considered for the game, but were ultimately scrapped.

Head on past the break for their responses.

On this week’s episode: Mario Party 9, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, Swapnote and the show’s favorite women from Nintendo games.

Although King of Pirates was announced for Japan several months ago, the game hadn’t been confirmed for North America or Europe – until today.

Speaking with Joystiq, Keiji Inafune said that there are plans to bring the game overseas. It’s unknown who will be publishing King of Pirates – it could be Marvelous – but you can rest easy knowing that, in all likelihood, you’ll be able to play Inafune’s new game in the future.

Inafune said:

“For all my titles, I’m looking to do worldwide publishing. I can’t say who is publishing because it could be Marvelous directly or maybe they’re going to find another publisher in the US. But the plan is to do it worldwide.”


You know, Fun! Fun! Minigolf Touch is a pretty good buy. It’s relatively cheap and there’s a lot more content than the WiiWare version. The only downside I can think of is that it doesn’t contain online play.

U.S. retailer “eStarland” added, and then quickly removed, numerous listings for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2. Entries were spotted on the site for the Wii, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2 rumors emerged in January. Speculation pointed to a release on the Wii U, 3DS, and PS Vita, but none of these platforms were found on eStarland. However, because retailer listings are often tentative, we shouldn’t take this as a confirmation that these systems won’t be getting the new racer.


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