(View today’s PotD here)
Sorry about the late post, folks- I started playing Skyward Sword and… well… I couldn’t stop! Before I knew it, four hours had passed and I was scrambling to finish everything I needed to for the night. I’m guessing a few of you are having similar experiences with the game.
It’s no surprise that everyone who’s anyone has Skyward Sword on the brain, but what about Nintendo’s other system. You know, the little handheld one that does other stuff? Well, we got our first PotD-worthy piece of news about the 3DS this evening, and it has to do with that update we’ll be getting sometime this month which will unlock a few new pieces of tech on the device. My personal favorite? 3D video recording. If all goes well, this will also mean a higher framerate for the 3DS’ camera; lord knows we could use it.
The particular post is actually rumor that the update will hit on November 30th, and while that’s about as late as you could possibly get into the month, it’s also only nine days away. If we play enough Skyward Sword I’m sure we’ll make it there in no time. What I’m really curious about is whether or not our free GBA games will come with this update, or if we’ll be waiting longer for those. Anyone want to wager that we’ll have to wait until December for those nice gifts?
This video has been up on the Nintendo Video service for about a week. Those without a 3DS can watch the “Great Fairy’s Fountain” recording now as well.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS (PS3) – 9/9/10/10
Assassin’s Creed Revelations (PS3/360) – 10/10/9/8
Mario Kart 7 (3DS) – 10/9/9/9
The King of Fighters XIII (PS3/360) – 8/9/8/9
Fortune Street (Wii) – 9/8/8/9
Tekken Hybrid (PS3) – 9/8/8/8
Konami and Kojima Productions have set a final Japanese release date for Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D. The title is due out on March 8, 2012. It’ll cost 6,090 yen.
Konami has yet to confirm when Snake Eater 3D will launch overseas.
The first console Zelda in five years has finally arrived in store shelves. How many of you managed to pick the game up?
Metroid II: Return of Samus saw a Japanese release a couple of months ago. Later this week, the classic Game Boy title will hit the European eShop. The game will cost £3.60 / €4.00.
Might Metroid II come to North America as well on Thursday? We’ll find out in just a few days!