Cave Story 3D was originally scheduled for an August launch. NIS America pushed the game back to November 8, which might not have been the best idea.
NISA president Haru Akenaga explained in an interview that the delay was related to a troubling 3DS market. Retailers also declined to add games to their stock that were not of AAA quality.
“I’m really worried about sales for Cave Story. It’s not the quality of the game, it’s the market. Actually, we could have released the title in the summer of this year, but the market was not great then. Almost all of the retailers did not want to carry 3DS titles that were not AAA titles. That’s why we postponed the release of Cave Story until the market conditions improved. Now there are many big titles coming and that should be better for 3DS. I hope Cave Story will have reorders and always have a spot on store shelves.
Cave Story 3D will now have to contend with some big guns. Super Mario 3D Land, for instance, ships just a few days later.
A new suit has been revealed for Super Mario 3D Land. Along with the Tanooki Suit, players will be able to take on the Boomerang Bros. Suit/Hammer Suit in the game. I believe that this is the first time it’ll be making an appearance in a 3D Mario title!
In a press release detailing Faron Woods, Nintendo of Europe also snuck in a comment regarding the game’s limited edition bundle. Apparently, it’ll be in short supply. Nintendo warns that fans pre-order now if they want to get their hands on a limited edition package.
“Stocks are limited and the limited edition bundle will mainly be available to fans who pre-order from GAME or Amazon. It is possible that part of the stock will be available at retail following the pre-order period.”
Nintendo has released a third “trailer” for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. This one focuses on the intro to the game, that was released by the company’s Japanese division. Now we have an official English translation. You can find the video attached above.
If you know your slimes from your she-slimes there’s every possibility that October 7th was already pencilled in on your calendar as the day for a new adventure to begin – because from today, you’ll find Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 for Nintendo DS in shops across Europe!
Set in a world where monsters can be recruited and trained by talented individuals called Monster Scouts, this game will see you stepping into the stylin’ kicks of one such ambitious fella, on an epic quest to escape a mysterious island and take part in the worldwide Monster Scout Challenge tournament!
The second episode of the Nintendo Show 3D is up now on the 3DS eShop. The video covers games such as Tetris Axis and Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition. Additionally, the last portion of the show contains the Super Mario 3D Land introduction that can be viewed in 3D.
The third episode will be released in two weeks.