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Blam! Like I said, ToS takes a trip to the Mall of America for the Pokemon Black/White Mall Tour, I talk about the 3DS launch, and I get my Pokemon stolen all in the same week. Plus, it’s Friday!

Virtual Console – FINAL FANTASY® III (SQUARE ENIX, Super Nintendo, 900 Wii Points)

Originally released as FINAL FANTASY III on SNES in North America, this game is in fact FINAL FANTASY VI from the main series chronology. Continuing the long history of FINAL FANTASY games, FINAL FANTASY III allows you to enter the world of the Espers. Mythical magic beings, thought long extinct until the discovery of one buried deep in the ice sparks a series of magic attacks amongst citizens using MagiTek weapons.

Who or what is behind the rediscovery and redeployment of this legendary power? What chaotic plans exist that will wreck havoc on this orderly world?

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

Conduit 2 trailer

Posted 13 years ago by in Videos, Wii | 0 comments


Nintendo Week (will be added 3/16)
GDC Keynote Speech: Satoru Iwata
MotoHeroz Teaser Trailer
Heavy Arms: Black Arms Trailer
Liight Trailer
5 in 1 Mahjong Trailer
Rabi Laby Trailer

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