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This information comes from the latest issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine…

– Chris Redfield and new partner Jessica find themselves in a snow-covered mountain range
– they are cut off from radio contact
– the two are wandering around in blizzard-like conditions
– bottom screen shows a waypoint set on the map that you need to visit
– use the touchscreen or tap the dpad to use the scanner
– hold R to switch into a green-hued first person mode, then hold Y for scans
– scan things to find ammo, herbs and add to your scan percentage
– you’ll stumble upon a mineshaft at some point
– cheesy dialog returns, which Chris telling Jessica that she should have worn her thermal underwear to stay warm, and Jessica saying that her ‘sweet ass’ was is on the way to rescue Chris when he’s incapacitated by falling off a ledge
– silent passages will let out a creak from time to time, letting you know baddies are lurking about
– controls are taken right from Mercenaries
– canine enemies return
– quick-time events pop up if the dogs nail you
– use BOW decoys to lure the dogs away
– BOW decoys are timed grenades
– exit the ice cave after the mine shaft to get radio contact back
– you’ll talk to a US Marshal named O’Brien
– both Chris and Jill have been lead into the same trap
– game is split into episodes, splitting between Jill and Chris
– setting was changed due to make things interesting
– game takes place between RE 4 and 5
– focusing on the survival horror feeling
– enemies are not zombies infected by the T-virus
– Parker Luciani is a member of the BSAA and Jill’s partner
– Parker is not the typical tough guy
– more details in the near future about various characters and scenario


Did you know that Metroid turned 25 years-old today? That’s right – the first game in the series saw a release on this very day.

Team Ninja Yosuke Hayashi has offered a few thoughts about the franchise. Obviously his studio had an impact on Metroid, as they were one of the teams responsible for Other M.

Hayashi said in a tribute video:

“Happy anniversary to the Metroid series. I am personally a Metroid fan as well. I hope all us Metroid fans can get together and really support Metroid to make it even more successful in the future.”


3DS eShop charts (8/6)

Posted 13 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments


1. Let’s Golf! 3D
2. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
3. 3D Classics: Xevious
4. Super Mario Land
5. Kirby’s Dream Land
6. Game & Watch Gallery
7. Mario’s Picross
8. Donkey Kong
9. GO Series 10 Second Run
10. Plants vs. Zombies
11. Anonymous Notes Chapter 1 – From the Abyss –
12. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again
13. Cave Story
14. Photo Dojo
15. Army Defender
16. Extreme Hangman 2
17. Inchworm Animation
18. Tetris Party Live
19. AfterZoom
20. Arcade Bowling


1. What is Nintendo Video?
2. Let’s Golf! 3D
3. 3D Classics: Xevious
4. Captain America: Super Soldier
5. Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions
6. Rayman 3D
7. Thor: God of Thunder
8. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
9. Devil Survivor Overclocked
10. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
11. Antipole
12. Cave Story
13. Plants vs. Zombies
14. GO Series Portable Shrine Wars
15. Pokedex 3D
16. The Lost Town – The Dust
17. Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion
18. Shantae: Risky’s Revenge
19. Oscar’s World Tour
20. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!

Avenging Spirit footage

Posted 13 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Solatorobo footage

Posted 13 years ago by in DS, Videos | 0 comments

n-Space has provided official confirmation that they’re working on a handheld version of Modern Warfare 3. The game will arrive later this year along with its console counterparts.

The studio posted on Facebook:

“Here it is – the big announcement that many of you have been waiting on… n-Space is indeed developing CoD MW3 for DS! This is our 5th CoD DS product and, we hope you’ll agree, our best yet.”

Regarding the announcement, some fans have been wondering why n-Space is still working on the DS rather than the 3DS. The following explanation was provided:

“You guys all need to understand that we make the games we are hired to make. It is not our call to decide which platforms to support. Obviously we are big 3DS fans and supporters as we have 3 titles in development. If it were as simple as us choosing what products and platforms to develop for I would get a lot more sleep.”

n-Space also reminded fans that they have one more unannounced 3DS game in the works. Up to this point, Heroes of Ruin and Jaws: Ultimate Predator have been revealed for Nintendo’s new portable.


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