This information comes from Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono…
“As far as fighting games are concerned, we’ve come a long way. It used to be that you had to go to an arcade machine, pay money and play it. Then it came to home console and you could play it in front of your TV. Now you can play Super Street Fighter IV anywhere if you’ve got a 3DS. I think that’s an amazing thing. The next step would be to have Street Fighter x Tekken, which is the celebration of all top fighting gamers’ dreams in one, to be on 3DS, where you can play anywhere you want. That’s an ultimate idea. Personally speaking, it should happen. We should probably start making more noise about this. But officially, nothing has been considered yet.”
If Super Street Fighter IV 3D sells well and the fans ask for Street Fighter x Tekken, I don’t why a 3DS version wouldn’t be possible. Ono also really sounds interesting in making a version for Nintendo’s portable, so it’d be great if the title was announced for the 3DS in the future…
The new nintendogs™ + cats game won’t contain the only furry animals running around the Nintendo 3DS™ system when it launches on March 27. Users who perform a system update will get access to a 3D version of the “White Knuckles” music video by OK Go. The single-take video, which features a bevy of adorable rescue dogs (and one goat), has been viewed more than 9.3 million times on YouTube. OK Go is known for its creative, one-of-a-kind videos, and the glasses-free 3D technology of Nintendo 3DS creates an entirely new experience by introducing a new dimension to the dogs and band members.
“We shot the ‘White Knuckles’ video in 2D and 3D at the same time, but until now, there hasn’t been much opportunity for people to see the 3D version,” said Trish Sie, the video’s Grammy-winning director. “I’m fired up for people to watch the video again with Nintendo 3DS and experience it in a whole new way. This opens up all kinds of creative opportunities.”

I dunno why I’m up so late tonight, but since I am, I figured I might as well update the site once or twice! Check this out:
“The 3DS is powerful, and we are able to run the Unreal engine on this console, which is pretty impressive for a handheld machine, and the 3D doesn’t affect the performance (thanks to my amazing programmers). The architecture is different compared to a Wii or some other platforms that we had to work with here at Ubisoft Montreal.” – Ubisoft’s Fabrice Cuny
Now, that’s pretty darn cool if I do say so myself! But it doesn’t just prove that Ubisoft Montreal is a super awesome company. Take a look at this quote from Epic Games’ Mark Rein a few weeks back:
“If we felt it could run [Unreal Engine] and deliver the kind of experience people license our technology to build, we’d be on [the 3DS].” – Epic Games’ Mark Rein
I know this is technically called “bad journalism” and “inciting flame wars”, but I figure I can do it just once without getting in trouble. Take that, Epic Games! Even though I totally dig Epic and the people who work over there… Haha.

For those of you that follow NintendoEverything on Facebook, you know that I pre-ordered my 3DS system at GameStop two minutes before the deadline (technically it was way past the deadline) and I did it over the phone, which is normally against the rules. How did I accomplish such a feat? The guys at my local GameStops are super cool, so they cut some corners for me.
But that’s not really the point of this post. The point was that, while I was talking to this wonderful GameStop employee, he mentioned that partially due to the tsunami/earthquake in Japan, GameStop would only be receiving enough Aqua Blue 3DS systems to fulfill pre-orders, and that they would not have ANY Aqua Blue systems on shelves to purchase without a pre-order. Now, I’ve yet to call other GameStops across the country, but if any readers could help us out with piecing together what the situation is in places other than here in Minneapolis, that would be great!
Long story short: Unless you pre-ordered it, you may not be able to get an Aqua Blue 3DS at GameStop no matter how long you camp out in front of the store entrance.
You can check out the first images of Capcom’s new 3DS title above. Also, the game’s official site has opened and can be viewed here.