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Steel Diver trailer

Posted 14 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Mega Man Legends 3 won’t be released in the near future. Capcom is still allowing fans to vote on different elements for the title, and much of the title is still early on in development. Still, the company has finally shared a few images of the title – of course, some screenshots are more complete than others (the more complete screens were taken recently, while others are more like prototype images), as you can see below.

Other than the screenshots, Capcom teased the game with just a small bit of very early development footage (see below) and have asked fans for input regarding different game elements.


– Focal point of the 3D placed on the player’s character
– Background pops or recedes around the character
– Unlock game characters with Play Coins
– Set up a pirate character who will automatically battle other 3DS owners’ pirates through StreetPass
– Set up three attack moves for the character
– Three defense moves can be set up as well
– Rock-paper-scissors dynamic
– StreetPass battles take place automatically, systems choose who wins based on pre-set moves
– Can see how the pirate performed in battle
– Watch a replay of the battle
– Earn coins when you win


Famitsu review scores

Posted 14 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Dynasty Warriors 7 (PS3/360) – 9/9/9/9
Fight Night Champion (PS3/360) – 8/8/7/6
Asphalt 3D (3DS) – 7/7/7/7
Kenshin le Vagabond (PSP) – 7/7/7/6


Successfully Learning: Mathematics, Year 2 (Tivola, 800 Wii Points)

WiiWare Demos

Lead the MeerkatsTM (Lapland Studio)

Virtual Console

Bomberman Hero (HUDSON SOFT, 1000 Wii Points)

Nintendo DSiWare

Puzzle to Go Sightseeing* (Tivola, 500 Nintendo DSi Points)
The Seller (CIRCLE Ent., 500 Nintendo DSi Points)
Monster Buster Club (Nordcurrent, 800 Nintendo DSi Points)

28th February 2011: In Successfully Learning: Mathematics, Year 2 on WiiWare this week, learning and playing make the perfect combination. With the help of a little vampire, Freddy, you’ll find solving mathematics problems is child’s play! And if you enjoy Successfully Learning: Mathematics, Year 2, be sure to look out for the release of higher Maths grades on WiiWare over the course of the coming weeks.

On Virtual Console this week is Bomberman Hero, a single player action game which will see you flying, swimming, shooting and bombing your way through the galaxy on your mission to save Princess Millian.

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