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Lost in Shadow trailer

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 2 Comments

This information comes from Conduit 2 producer Josh Olson…

– About 30 suit upgrades
– Take on AI enemies in Team Invasion mode with 3 friends locally or online
– Q4 release
– Wii exclusive
– ASE used for exploration, will act like the visor in Metroid Prime
– “we’re not considering any melee weapons that would make use of its added fidelity.”
– Can shoot helmets/armor off enemies
– Regarding Animales de la Muerte: “We’re not quite ready to talk about Animales yet. Stay tuned.”


Xenoblade boxart

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 3 Comments

Oops! screenshots

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 1 Comment

This information comes from Shigeru Saito, President of TOSE…

“Last year the company’s got a loss. The profit has been reduced sharply due to the depression of the game market.
The software makers postponed or canceled projects made the volume of the sales been reduced almost by half.

The order of producing softwares for Nintendo’s Nintendo 3DS has been increasing.
Thanks to this contribution, the financial situation can be considerably recovered”

TOSE is a very competent developer. They’ve actually been working on games for over twenty years. Also, it should be noted that the company has much experience with Nintendo’s handhelds, including the DS. TOSE has created content for Square Enix, Capcom, and even Nintendo, so it’s no surprise that they’ve been asked to produce titles for the 3DS.

Source 1, Source 2

Sports Fest screenshots

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

All-new League elements extends competitive element, as Hudson Soft’s sporting series returns
9th April, 2010

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH and Hudson Soft have unveiled the greatest sporting challenge imaginable, as Sports Fest heads to Wii™ in Autumn, 2010.

Sports Fest represents the most diverse and challenging collection of events to date. Furthermore, the new game also centres on the competitive element of sporting endeavour, with an all-new ‘League’ system allowing teams of up to six players to use their various abilities to take on rival teams. As such, using the game’s online capabilities, teams can select their strongest competitor for each event, creating fierce rivalry as each team plays their various strengths to rise up the League Table.

Sports Fest is further enhanced via compatibility with the Wii Motion Plus add-on, and this added a stunning level of control to each of the ten events. Each event has a dual-level control system designed to offer total control and accuracy, with one for novices and a second, more complex system aimed at more experienced entrants. As such, the likes of Volleyball offers every receive, toss and spike of the real thing, while Lacrosse recreates the skill and pace of the sport with slick movement, and quick shakes of the Wii Remote used to effect rapid passes and shots.

Xenoblade details

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 3 Comments

– 70-80 hours for the main quest
– More than 100 hours with optional content
– World is “seamless”
– Loading at major areas (body parts, ex: lower leg to upper knee)
– Realtime, seamless battles
– Can see enemies on the field
– Auto-attack when you attack normally, attack continuously
– Can use Arts (special attacks) when you go behind an enemy/go to its side
– Yoko Shimomura doing the soundtrack (at least the main composer)


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