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This information comes from the Official Nintendo Magazine Twitter, providing live updates from the BAFTAs…

“ONM is at the BAFTAs! Miyamoto just told us Pikmin 3 development is ‘well under way.'”

This isn’t the biggest news, but that’s all I really needed to hear! We haven’t heard much about the game since last year, when Miyamoto said that the team had finished the basics of Pikmin 3. I wonder if we’ll see the title in a few months at E3.


“There’s tremendous support for Wii MotionPlus. First, what it would highlight is that ‘Wii Sports Resort’ continues to sell exceptionally well. In addition to that you’re seeing some fantastic third party support. ‘Red Steel 2’…about to come out. And from a first party perspective we showed ‘Fling Smash.’ There are more titles that are coming, it continues to be a core part of what we do. But I guess what’s unique with Nintendo is we don’t force our developers to stick to a particular type of control scheme, and you’ve seen that. Everything from the new ‘Metroid’ title to be single remote driven to ‘Fling Smash’ utilizing the Wii MotionPlus. So it’s all about what’s right for the game.” – Reggie Fils-Aime

There haven’t been a ton of games released that use MotionPlus, but then again, not a whole lot of titles have needed it. If a game works well with just the Wiimote, then it’d be silly to add MotionPlus support. We know of one big game coming out this month that uses it, though – Red Steel 2. That game is seeing a huge improvement in accuracy thanks to the peripheral.


Wipeout announced for Wii/DS

Posted 14 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments


Video Game Hilarity based off of ABC’s Smash Hit TV Show Hits Shelves This Summer

SANTA MONICA, CA – March 18, 2010 – Activision Publishing, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) today announced that it is bringing the Endemol USA produced hit ABC TV show Wipeout to Nintendo DS™ and Wii™ this summer. Wipeout: The Game challenges fans to master speed, balance, and precision to overcome the world’s largest obstacle course while enduring the inevitable hilarious falls, sometimes at the hands of your friends and family!

“Watching ABC’s Wipeout every week on TV is outrageous fun, and viewers can’t help but dream of trying the obstacles themselves,” said David Oxford, Activision Publishing. “We designed the video game with this in mind. Wipeout: The Game brings all of the challenge and laugh-out-loud hilarity, without the pain.”

This response comes from Kentaro Kawashima, Producer at Namco Bandai Games, who was asked if the company has more Wii/DS games in development…

“Yes we certainly do, but everything is confidential at this time. My apologies.”

Hm…I wonder which titles Namco Bandai is working on. Well, I suppose we’ll find out in due time!

Thanks to Robert for the news tip!


Dementium II trailer

Posted 14 years ago by in DS, News | 0 comments

Nintendo Wii

North America:
1. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
2. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)
3. Just Dance (Ubisoft),
4. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
5. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)

1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)
2. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
3. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
4. Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo)
5. Karaoke Joysound Wii DX (Hudson)

1. Just Dance (Ubisoft)
2. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)
3. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
4. Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo)
5. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)

Nintendo DS

North America:
1. Pokemon SoulSilver Version (Nintendo)
2. Pokemon HeartGold Version (Nintendo)
3. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
4. Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
5. Infinite Space (Sega)

1. Tomodachi Collection (Nintendo)
2. Fushigi no Dungeon: Fuurai no Shiren 4 – Kami no Hitomi to Akuma no Heso (Spike)
3. Pokemon Ranger: Hikari no Kiseki (Nintendo)
4. Dragon Quest VI: Maboroshi no Daichi (Square Enix)
5. Love Plus (Konami)

1. Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box (Nintendo)
2. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
3. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (Nintendo)
4. Pokemon Platinum Version (Nintendo)
5. Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story (Nintendo)


Thanks to Kay for the news tip!

Source 1, Source 2


– Muscle March (NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe, 500 Wii Points)

Virtual Console

– Milon’s Secret Castle (HUDSON SOFT, NES, 600 Wii Points)
– CASTLEVANIA RONDO OF BLOOD (KONAMI, Turbografx, 900 Wii Points)


– Photo Dojo (Nintendo, 200 Nintendo DSi Points)
– Flips: The Enchanted Woods (Electronic Arts, 500 Nintendo DSi Points)
– Libera Wing (Pixel Federation, 800 Nintendo DSi Points)
– Flashlight (Kaasa, 200 Nintendo DSi Points)
– Car Jack Streets (Tag Games, 800 Nintendo DSi Points)

That’s right – This commercial is running on television right now!

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