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This information comes from the Capcom-Unity forums…

“Corporately, they were dissolved… in actually, people and projects were absorbed. The reality is, Okami and Godhand had shipped and the headcount transition began after those games were completed. There were no new projects initiated after that point that I’m aware of.” – Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development

I’m still pretty saddened that Clover is no more. Platinum Games is sort of like the rebirth of Clover, but that company brought us Okami – That’s still one of my favorite games of all time!

It started with the WiiMote, then the Balance Board, then WiiMotion plus, followed by the newly revealed Wii inflatable horseback, and now Nintendo may be up to even more antics with a new patent. This time, for a bicycle pedal peripheral.

Recent marketing slides released may indicate that some company (be it Nintendo or a third party) is planning on releasing a game/peripheral bundle based around cycling. The device would sit on the floor in front of a couch or chair, allowing the player to use their feet to control and utilize the device. No word on whether the slides are in fact real, so I’ll keep this labeled as a rumor for now.

When it was announced that the next entry in the Dead Space series would be an on rails shooter, many gamers heaved a sigh of disappointment. Nevertheless, Visceral Games (the developers behind the title) insisted that it would reinvent the genre in any different ways. Many people were skeptical, but as more and more footage is seen, more screens released, and more details leaked, many people can’t help but be a little excited for the game. Now, a new detail has been revealed about the title that may just convert another pile of skeptics.

“She thinks she is the last survivor and her goal is to try and get to the tram station she’ll hopefully find more survivors. There is one little snag in her plan, the Necromorph infection is making her demented. She is hearing strange voices and seeing some alien hieroglyphic language on the walls, among other crazy things. The Necromorph infection is causing her to see flashes of color. The screen goes bright white and red for a moment before shifting back to normal.” – Senior Designer John Calhoun

This comes from a recent Nintendo Power interview in which Calhoun goes into detail about the dementia and how it will affect the player and his or her allies. I personally can only think of one other game that has done something like this, and people have been waiting for a sequel to Eternal Darkness for years. This may not be it, but it’s exciting to know that the same gameplay elements will be brought into a new dimension with Dead Space: Extraction.

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“You will see more — I wouldn’t say Mature as in M — but you will see more definitely more hardcore games from us on the Wii platform.” -Mike Hayes

I couldn’t care less if games were M rated or not. The terms “hardcore” and “mature” get used so interchangeably sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference, but I’m glad to see that SEGA isn’t stuck in the mindset of “M rating = Quality”.

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Just wanted to give you guys the quick update about this app. Should be a fun little tool! Anyway, I’ll have a few more posts later tonight and Austin will be back for more news. And tomorrow afternoon, I’ll be back to work on the site!

Hatena is proud to announce the launch of Flipnote Hatena – a web service for posting and sharing Flipnotes – for the United States and Canada. This service is used in conjunction with Flipnote Studio, available for download from the Nintendo DSi Shop starting today.

Flipnote Studio is a free, downloadable Nintendo DSiWare application available to any Nintendo DSi user with access to a wireless broadband internet connection. By connecting to the internet and accessing Flipnote Hatena through Flipnote Studio, you can post your own Flipnotes, view Flipnotes posted by other users, add ? to your favorites and more.

Posted Flipnotes can also be viewed on the Flipnote Hatena website, provided by Hatena Co., Ltd. Log in to this website with a Hatena ID to have even more fun with Flipnotes with features such as posting comments and sorting Flipnotes by channel.

Today we’re announcing that Spyborgs will be dropping a week earlier than originally announced. The Wii-exclusive brawler will now ship on September 22 in North America for an MSRP of $39.99.

This is great news for anyone looking forward to the game, and with the reduced price this is certainly worth a look for anyone that hasn’t been paying attention to it!


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